
July 3rd , 2024


Ghana Boy

A year ago


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A year ago

Warfare, mines, humanitarian crises impact children:UN     The United Nations has verified 23,982 grave violations against children in armed conflict in 2021, which affected 19,165 children in the 21 country and regional situations it monitored, according to a report of the UN secretary-general, which was released on Monday. Of the 23,982 grave violations, 22,645 were committed in 2021 and 1,337 were ­committed earlier but verified in 2021. Of the affected children, 13,633 were boys, 5,242 were girls, while 290 were sex unknown. The highest numbers of violations were the killing and maiming of 8,070 children, followed by the recruitment and use of 6,310 children and 3,945 incidents of denial of humanitarian access, says the report. Conflict escalation; the multiplication of armed actors; the use of mines, improvised explosive devices, explosive remnants of war and explosive weapons in populated areas; intensified humanitarian crises; and violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law had a severe impact on the protection of children.  Cross-border conflicts and intercommunal violence affected children, in particular in the central Sahel and Lake Chad Basin regions, while coups and takeovers aggravated the situation of children in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Myanmar and Sudan, says the report. The number of cases of abduction increased by over 20 percent and cases of sexual violence against children continued to increase, by over 20 percent last year.  The number of attacks on schools and hospitals increased by 5 percent in a context of school closures, the military use of schools and disregard for children's right to education and health, it says. Non-state armed groups were responsible for 55 percent of violations, state forces for 25 percent, and the remainder of the violations resulted from crossfire, the use of improvised explosive devices, explosive remnants of war and landmines, or were committed by unidentified perpetrators. Over 25 percent of child casualties resulted from improvised explosive devices, explosive remnants of war and landmines, for a total of 2,257 child casualties, says the report. Whereas 70 percent of children affected by grave violations are boys, the number of violations affecting boys has decreased, while the number of girls who were casualties of killing and maiming, or subjected to abduction and sexual violence, increased, particularly in the Lake Chad Basin. Cases of sexual violence continued to be vastly underreported, owing to stigmatization, the fear of reprisals, harmful social norms, the absence of services, impunity, the lack of humanitarian access and safety concerns. 

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Ghana Boy

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