
July 3rd , 2024


Ghana Boy

A year ago


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A year ago

to excellent level of political bond: senior Greek diplomats This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Greece. Over the past half century, the two countries have forged a friendship and close cooperation in a wide range of fields including investment, trade, tourism, and culture. In 2018, Greece joined China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), under which the two countries have seen a mutually beneficial strengthening of bilateral ties.  This year, Greece, which hosted the first modern Olympics in 1896, also showed support and appreciation for China's hosting of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games.  Global Times reporter Xie Wenting (GT) interviewed John Chrysoulakis, Secretary General for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of Greece's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on bilateral ties and future cooperation.  John Chrysoulakis GT: In what areas can China and Greece further enhance cooperation amid the global pandemic? How do ordinary Greek citizens view cooperation between the two countries?  Chrysoulakis: Please allow me to note, at the beginning, the need for upgrading and aligning or converging our economic relations with China with those in the realm of politics and institutional settings. We would like to see increased Chinese investments in Greece, especially in the sphere of production and not just in the areas of distribution of goods and services. We also hope to witness more Chinese investments, not only from state-owned companies, but also from the private sector. There is a wide range of investment opportunities in Greece under the BRI MoU of 2018 and in the already signed Cooperation Plans in Key Areas between Greece and China, in areas such as industry and manufacturing, financial services, as well as in the field of energy where Greece is emerging as a regional energy hub and is a regional renewable champion.  Greek public opinion looks at Chinese investments favourably, largely thanks to their success and the timely assistance extended to Greece especially in the past decade. We do hope that this investment trend will bounce back strongly after the pandemic and will include more investments in sectors such as manufacturing and industry, the health and pharmaceutical sectors, and tourism infrastructure among others. Trade is also a core area in our bilateral relationship with China and we need to commonly explore ways of balancing the current trade deficit with China. We need better access to the Chinese market, less barriers, and a more level playing field with higher volumes of tradable goods from primary sectors in the Greek economy, such as quality agro-food products. This is especially important at this point in time, as there has been a growing awareness among the Chinese public about the benefits of a healthy diet, such as the renowned Mediterranean diet. 

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Ghana Boy

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