2 years ago
Permission To Make Ijtihaad And Circumstances
The Permissibility of Ijtihaad
Another principle is that it is not allowed to make ijtihad if something is clearly and definitively mentioned in the Qur’an or authentic Hadith. If there is text which clearly states the hukum (ruling), then the ijtihad is not permissible.
There is no righteousness or piety in avoiding something that is obviously and unquestionably permissible, i.e. something that is lawful and clearly permitted by shariah. For instance, in the area of food, one should not say he will refrain from eating meat as a matter of righteousness. He will not gain any reward for this.
There is the prophetic narration that tells the story of the three men, where one vowed not to sleep so he can pray all night, one vowed to fast everyday and one vowed not to marry, all for the sake of righteousness. These actions which these men vowed not to do (sleeping, eating and getting married) are permissible things which are not only permitted but also encouraged. (In fact, some scholars even say that there should be a minimum number of hours everyday which we allocate for sleep so that our bodies get enough rest.) When the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, got to know of the three men’s vows, he was very disappointed. He, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, called them and told them he was the most righteous and pious among them and yet he sleeps, eats and marries. Moreover the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, made a principal concerning this matter by saying: “This is my way, and whoever refrains from it is not part of me.” Thus, if something is clearly permissible in shariah, there is no point in avoiding doing it with the intention that doing so is an ibadah. If it is for other good reasons, e.g. to avoid meat because of one’s health, then it is alright.
Hope these evidences are enough to satisfy you. If you think they are not still enough, follow me keenly and get before you other equally thirst quenching evidences about the subject. In fact you can even educate others about it better than I’m doing. Be concerned about what concerns you yet seek knowledge, for ignorance is a prison wherein the inmates are those who are reluctant when it comes to seeking knowledge. When you learn, you lead others aright and save them from captivity. But you don’t just learn anything, you seek beneficial knowledge and wisdom from the right sources with the proper ethics. Look for the write up on ethics of seeking knowledge. And as usual, when you sleep over the bed of heedlessness in your youth, then be sure to tread on the path of regret during old age.
Let me hasten to reiterate that seeking knowledge frees you from the captivity and prison of ignorance and darkness. So my good friends, brothers and sisters in Islam, seek beneficial knowledge and wisdom with the correct ethics, aiming to benefit society with the knowledge and hoping for reward from the Almighty Allah.
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