
March 12th , 2025



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Marietou Thiam is the innovative supervisor of Sencirk, Senegal's head marketplace bunch. By means of CARMEN ABD ALI (AFP)

Marietou Thiam's thin figure winds and twists, suspended in mid-air by a circle, under the enchanted look of onlookers at Dakar's absolute first marketplace festivity.

Thiam is the innovative boss - - and one of only two women people - - of Sencirk, Senegal's head market organization, which facilitated the festival.

The 29-year-old at first moved to Dakar for her assessments, yet deserted that life to join the amusement park.

Thiam limbering up at her home in Ngor town. By means of CARMEN ABD ALI (AFP)

Her family has never embraced the decision. Nevertheless, when she is before a crowd of people, Thiam laments literally nothing.

She is conveyed by the magic existing separated from all the other things - - and the meaning of Sencirk's principal objective.

That is because the market association in like manner functions as a place of acquiring for transients and children from low-pay families.

It offers them a potential chance to dominate new capacities, find a sensation of neighborhood - and have a few great times.

One of the teachers, Malick, says Sencirk has changed him.

Malick, a 30-year-old trick demon from Guinea, trains on a Dakar sea side. Through CARMEN ABD ALI (AFP)

The 30-year-old came to Senegal from Guinea in 2015 and was living in the city until he unintentionally tracked down the association.

As of now, through teaching, he can tolerate leasing an apartment suite in Ngor, a town like region in Dakar.

On a sensible May evening on Ngor sea side, Malick hops as high as possible and appears as though he will take off, overpowered with energy, his feet appearing to contact an awe inspiring, white sun.

Malick, at the most elevated place of his pyramid. Through CARMEN ABD ALI (AFP)

One gymnastic achievement prompts another, and out of the blue Malick is outlining a human pyramid with his gathering.

He is both an expert and a teacher, offering his energy to young people stuck between a rock and a hard place - - kids who could one day anytime acknowledge Malick and Marietou's liability.

In a little while it will be their opportunity to rise the pyramid and attempt to accomplish the unimaginable.

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Aminu Mohammed Gadafi

Content writer

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