
October 19th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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Does store design really have anything to do with increased sales? You bet it does! Retailers who consider their design blueprint in relation to sales are the most successful retailers. Think about it, why do most people eat at restaurants with a good ambiance and shop at attractive boutiques? It's because of their inviting and beautiful appearance.

The fundamental principle that underpins a good store design is three-fold:


1. Attract customers 2. Entice them to enter the store 3. Persuade them to buy.


In order to achieve the above result the store design must be focused on:


Appropriate colour and lighting scheme in collaboration with the effective use of display stands, fixtures, fittings, shelf height, aisle size etc - all need to match your target market and your product. For example in a toy store you would have brightly coloured fixtures and fittings with child-friendly shelf height in addition to display stands that are bold, attention grabbing and if possible interactive.


How to Implement Effective Store Design:


Using store design to increase store sales is possible if done strategically and structurally. Every aspect of your store design must be deliberately thought through specifically focusing on increasing sales. There are a number of retail design solutions to help ensure you are able to go about this in the very most effective way.


Start the process by identifying your target market, understanding their buying habits and preferences in order to design a store that appeals to them.


Follow the steps below to design a store that results in increased sales:


Step 1 - Identify your target market.


Step 2 - Find out what factors influence their buying habits.


Step 3 - Focus your retail design exclusively on satisfying the desires and buying habits of your target market.


Step 4 - Choose colour scheme, fixtures, fittings, display space, location of cashier desks, location of customer services desk, shelf height, depending on the findings made from your target market research.


Step 5 - Incorporate the security of your merchandise into the store design. This is the most important aspect of the store design as stores need to be designed in such a way that they design-out crime. Whether it is employee theft or shoplifting; a well designed store can effectively design out crime.


Step 6 - Take the effective use of technology into account when designing your store. Whether it is a POS, CCTV or EBR system they all need to be included in the design blueprint. A good POS system can rapidly increase sales by reducing queues. CCTV and EBR systems reduce crime whether shoplifting or employee theft.


Overall, as a retailer there is always the resource of being able to call in the services as well as the expertise of a full service retail design agency who can help ensure you have in place the needs of what the market needs and what the consumers of today also expect. There are a number of them out there who will really get into the details of the demographics of the clientelle you wish to target and service.

Meet the Author

Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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