
June 2nd , 2024



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Mr president is a vampire😱


One night stand with him🤰💞





Day; Saturday.

Time; 07: 50 pm


 “What the fuck is wrong with this pervert.” I mumbled. When Melisa was having a sweet chat her boyfriend his manager was trying to flirt with me. 


“How often do you go to the cinema?" I had to force myself not to curse out loud. 


“It won't be fun to go alone.” I uttered with irritation in my voice


“Really? can I be your soulmate.” He gabbled.


“There's no need for that.” I tried to play along. 


“I refuse. May I tell you a secret?” He laughed like a dimwit. Actually I couldn't find a perfect word for him but a dimwit.




“I like you.” 


“Was that a secret?”


“It's called love at first sight. Please be my Cinderella.” He kneeled down.


“What the fuck is this?” I felt embarrassed when people walking by looked at us. “What have I done to deserve this.”


“Just like the night star, I see your beauty glowing and glittering with sparkle of lights. Please.” He held my hands.


“Is there any Cinderella without glass sheo.” 


“Really? I'll get you pairs of shoe.” I whimpered with frustration.


“Cleopatra.” Melisa called out. What a life saver. “What's going on here?”




“It's love at first sight, Lisa.” He gabbled. 


“Love at first sight?” She looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders with a look of I don't understand what he's saying.


“We are heading to the hotel now.” Her boyfriend interrupted. He looked more like a bad boy, but to be honest he was freaking handsome. The blue hair suit him.


“Come along.” I wanted to refuse but when I remembered that I'd have to deal with the pervert I quickly nodded.


“No problem. He said he left the gift at their lounge. We can go together and after that we head to the cinema.”


“All right.” We drove my car to their lounge without his manager. I was relieved when he didn't ask him to come along as he left him in the company where they had a contract to be their model.


“Gosh, they're always being perverty when I'm around.” I muttered.


“How can they resist your beauty.” Her boyfriend chuckled.


“Did he flirt with you?”


“Thank goodness you know the kind of manager you have, yet you still left me with me.” 


“That's the reason I told Lisa to let you go long. He wasn't really like that, he has problem with beautiful things.”


“He never stops chattering.”


“But he's fun to be with.” I shook my head.


“I'll have to shut him up myself.” The car finally came to halt. We alighted from the car and Lexi led the way in. 


There were people moving aroun, some were actor and actress, I could see some famous celebrity among them moving around. Some were under disguise while some were not.


“There some actress I have to get their autograph, Lisa. Can you go ahead I'm going to catch up with you.” I said.


“Make sure you don't get lost and if anyone may ask tell're my guest, okay?”




“Room number is 211.” I nodded even though I didn't catch the room numbers. I was so excited as I headed back to the entrance. Wow there were a lot of fans getting their autographs. 


“I'm just going to get my favorite autograph.” When I finally sighted her, I walked toward Scarlett Johanson. Gosh she's an epitome of beautiful.


“Hi.” I wanted to scream she hi me when I reached her. A whole me. 


“Hi.” I said nervously. 


“Are you here to attend a business conference or you're also an actress." Her calm voice widened my smile.


“I'm none. I came along with friends.”




It was time to act up. “I came here with Lexi.” She narrowed her eyes.


“Lexi? You guys must be really close.”


“Scarlett Johanson, I'm your big fan.” I said suddenly when i couldn't hide the exictement. She covered her face smiling.


“Awn.” She smile lusciously.


“May I g-get your autograph?” She nooded.


“Of course.” She signed in the paper I gave her.


“I'm not dreaming right?”




“This super elated.”


 “Here is the ticket for my new film. I want you to come.”


“All this for me?”


“Of course.” I resisted the urge of jumping on her. I've heard people talking about her that she's humble. 


“I'm going to cry.” I pouted out. She shook her head still grinning.


“That beautiful face shouldn't be ruin by your tears. Here is my card, this is the kind of face we need in our company. You can be a model.” I don't want to a be model. I told myself.


I collected the card from her. 


“Scarlett, let's go.” A young woman called out. Maybe her manager. 


“Just a moment sweetie.” She said to her. “You are really beautiful.” She complimented me then rushed to meet the woman.


I knew my cheeks were red because I couldn't stop blushing. “I'm going to keep the card but I cannot be a model.” I put the business card in my bag with the paper. She'll be filming her next show with Lexi. That was what the company board casted. 


I hurried to the hallway as I glances at the numbers on each door. I wasn't sure of the room number Lexi told me since I was so eager to meet Scarlett. I brought out my phone and called Lisa, it rang but she didn't pick up. I called severally but she still did not pick up.


“I think it's 201 or 211.” I looked at the both room facing each other. “It must be this.” I pointed at door since the door was slight opened. 


Perhaps they left it unlock. I pushed the door open slowly, I moved in when I didn't see anyone around. I walked into the bedroom then met someone standing so close to the window. There was a wine glass beside him 


“Did anyone find out that I'm still around? Nelson.” 


“I guess I've entered a wrong room.” I muttered underneath. I was going to make a U-turn when he looked back. “Holly Molly.” I gasped and my eyes widened as well as my lips. I could find a way to describe what I'm seeing. 


“Who are you?” His cold melodic voice sent shiver through my spine. His full lips were red as blood and to make it worst he looked like a demigod. “Who the hell are you?” He jolted me out of my fantasy world.


“H-hotel a-attendance. I'm so sorry sir, I thought you ask for a room service so that's why I'm here.” I stuttered. I didn't know how I came up with the lie but I didn't want to be kicked out by Mr. Handsome.


He stared at me as if he was trying to picture something on my face. “I know I'm beautiful you don't have to compliment me.” I said out loud foolishly.


“You again.” He said neither calm nor cold.


“Me again?” I gave a muddle look while staring at him.


|•Adrien•| ☘


I was going take a revenge on CEO Morgan tonight. All he ever done was to get on my nerves. Just when I thought I finally have a chance, I felt the urge at die minute to the dinner party. Nelson and I came together but I couldn't attend so I told Nelson to go ahead without me as I lounged around in the same hotel.


“ Are you sure you'll be fine?”


“Do I look like someone who needs a babysitter?” I poured blood from the drip inside the wine glass.


“I should head over then. Don't worry I'm going to revenge in you place.”


“I don't need you pathetic offer. Coming here was a mistake after all.”


“Such a lazy ass.” He cursed.


“I heard you Nelson.”


“that's why I'm saying it loud. I'll be right back once I revenge in your place.” He left the room.


I grabbed the wine glass and gulped the blood. My fang came out and my eyes changed to red. I stalked toward the window and put down the wine glass on the table. After few minutes my eyes finally changed to normal and my fangs became invisible.


I noticed I wasn't the only person in the room when I smelt human blood. 


“Are they done with the dinner party, Nelson.” I inquired without turning.


“I think I enter a wrong room.” I heard a lady's voice. I turned around abruptly with a cold glare.


When I asked her what she was doing in the room, I sensed lie in what she said. Just a moment I noticed her face was familiar. The drunk lady at the club!


“You again.” She lifted her brow.


“Me again.”


“Do you remember me?” I found myself asking her that.


“Wait, You!” She hollered.



Meet the Author

Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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