
October 19th , 2024


Mary Marfo

2 years ago


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NPA closes fuel stations in Western Region for duping customers

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) as a component of its standard activities has clipped down on some fuel stations in the Western Region that have messed with their fuel siphons.


The activity, which is being led by the Consumer Services Department at the Head Office and the Western local office of the NPA came directly following continuous protests about certain stations changing their siphons to swindle their clients to boost benefits.


This required the unexpected visits to chosen fuel stations to really take a look at the exactness of their siphon conveyance to petrol purchasers.


Toward the finish of the activity, the group discovered a portion of the stations punishable and thus, shut them down as they anticipate further correctional measures to be forced on them by the NPA.


The Head of Consumer Services at the NPA, Mrs Eunice Budu Nyarko in a meeting said it is an offense for fuel administration stations to siphon fuel available to be purchased to clients underneath the expected liter.


The group, later on, held a sensitisation program for oil shoppers in the locale. Mrs Budu Nyarko advised merchants and business drivers to satisfy their municipal obligation of quickly announcing fuel stations they suspect of changing their siphons to swindle clients.


They were given hotlines which they could call day in and day out to hold up their objections. She said, "when protests are made in no less than 48 hours of the acquisition of fuel, brief examination can be completed and reality laid out before that item is sold out".


She further encouraged general society to "purchase powers from utilitarian filling stations since these stations are habitually checked by the NPA and thus, the nature of their items can be ensured".


The group additionally sharpened understudies of the Takoradi Technical University, merchants at the Takoradi market circle, Jubilee Park and No.9 Markets and business drivers at the market circle on the most proficient method to utilize LPG securely.


The NPA group featured the exercises of the authority including its order and obligations to the consuming public.


Lady Cindy Andoh-Davies, a Manager at the Western provincial office of NPA beseeched shoppers to stick to somewhere safe and secure conventions to forestall mishaps.


The Consumer Services Department routinely visits the districts to sharpen buyers about their privileges and channels to send their objections for brief review by the Authority.



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Mary Marfo

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