
March 12th , 2025



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2 years ago



To go or not to go, the public authority has at last opened conversations with the Bretton-Woods foundation on the present status of the economy. Not to defame commitment with IMF yet it is an update that a negligible part of the GDP (GDP) will be utilized for revenue installments — which is at present around 80%.

This is the seventeenth time Ghana is going to the IMF. Additionally every one of the 17 excursions have varying component causes. Despite the fact that this most recent commitment is connected to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, had policymakers assumed their part in displaying discipline in executing strategies and laying out organizations — there would be a financial shelter for the economy when hit by the worldwide monetary emergency.

To improve things, there is likewise the requirement for conversations on the set down measures to support incomes on the grounds that the IMF monetary bailout isn't to add to income preparation — it is a credit office (advance) for momentary macroeconomic security which draws in interest installments. The bill for property rates has "delayed" in parliament for God-knows-when, whiles the economy loses billions of cedis in income. This isn't to witch-chase financial backers in the land business, yet a basic inquiry posed to here is, "noticing the spiraling interest in land in Ghana, how much gathers to the economy as incomes?"

Ghana property focus, a land site records the typical cost of the most costly houses in the Greater Accra Region at GH?1,330,000, GH?310,000 in the Central Region, and GH?290,000 in the Ashanti locale respectively[1]. Be that as it may, property rate contributes simply 0.3 percent to GDP contrasted with the normal of 1.8 percent in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) part nations. Charges on properties in the UK structure an incredible 4.2 percent of GDP and 3 percent of GDP in the United States.

Additionally, the temporary aftereffects of the 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC) from the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) show that there are around 10.7 million designs in Ghana. It is critical to likewise take note of that a small part of the designs is for business purposes and not just for house purchasing, which draws in various property rates relying upon the utilization worth of the construction.

For effortlessness and taking everything into account, in the event that a level pace of GH?100.00 is charged month to month on each property for the 10.7 million designs, GH?1.07 billion will be produced month to month and GH?12.84 billion yearly for property rates as it were. This is over two times the worth anticipated for the electronic exchange demand (e-demand).

The GhanaPostGPS address framework has facilitated the dreary errand of recognizing structures and their proprietors in Ghana. Much can be utilized from this noteworthy location framework while utilizing portable cash administrations and the stage for the installment of property rates, disposing of human impedance to the most un-conceivable to assist with limiting debasement in the assortment of property rates.

Most would agree that with property rates proficiently carried out, the economy has a potential income source that can be utilized as influence to make the economy more strong to endure worldwide financial shocks, speed up monetary turn of events, and effectively execute leader programs that will add to financial prosperity. In any case, it lays on the Ministry of Finance, Ghana Revenue Authority, and all partners to move toward this course with discipline, straightforwardness, consistence, and responsibility.

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Aminu Mohammed Gadafi

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