
March 12th , 2025



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2 years ago



The main thing that will take care of the issue for each Ghanaian specialist is for all specialists, TUC, coordinated work and other Labor associations ought to picket to request prompt alteration of the 1992 constitution to erase article 71 which favor just the political class, abrogate ex gratia, keep the president from naming IGP, AG, AUDITOR GENERAL, EOCO BOSS, EC chief, CJ, and so on, keep the President from selecting MPs as Ministers. Put all open area laborers remembering the government officials for a similar compensation construction to such an extent that on the off chance that additions in pay rates is 10%, all and everybody is given the 10% not when the legislators are given 70% while different specialists are given 4%.

The main way this our constitution will be changed by the very legislators that it benefits is the point at which, all Labor associations, (NAT, NAGRAT, TEWU, CLOSSAG, CCTU, UTAG, Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists,etc) COLABORATE with CSOs ( Civil Society associations) to set out on a serious STRIKE and Demonstrations .

Assuming in no way like above occurs, No lawmaker in GOVERNMENT or POWER will energetically revise the Constitution to benefits all residents to empower improvement and kill the shamefulness among the compensations of Public area laborers including legislators.

You might ask how might such new compensation structure be made to diminish radically the shamefulness?? This is my viewpoint,

It ought to be founded on scholastic capabilities to such an extent that all SSSCE testaments holders, certificate holders, certificate holders, expert's holders, PhD holders, Profs and so on any place they wound up in open area whether in Parliament as a Mp,minister, President, in homeroom, in police administration, in armed force, attendants and so forth WILL be paid a similar BASIC compensation to the extent that, they're having similar scholarly capabilities.

Model, an expert's holder who's a head administrator in grade school will accept the SAME BASIC compensation as an expert's holder who's a Member of Parliament or who's a clergyman, same as an expert's holder showing in any state funded colleges, the main distinction ought to be the remittances that every individual will be given in regard of their work.

For an Example, a medical caretaker who's a degree holder will accept the SAME Basic compensation as a MP's certificate holder, yet the medical caretaker will be qualified for "Night remittance " which the Mp will not be qualified for as well as the other way around, the Mp may likewise be qualified for a recompense that the medical caretaker won't take.

As I would like to think, the above is the best way to Prevent these covetous legislators from taken the normal Ghanaian Public area laborers for conceded and furthermore make the framework fair for all of us.

If it's not too much trouble, how about we all begin sharing this in our different stages.

It might start the important discussion and cause the change we need.

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Aminu Mohammed Gadafi

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