
September 19th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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When you have been spending time and money driving to the office supply store to produce great looking ID cards for your members, and are stressed out about having to wait in line, then maybe it is time to consider acquiring a membership card printer that will make your ID cards printing a breeze.

Wouldn't it be nice to simply do the ID badges design, and id badges printing from your own home or office, when you need it, without the hassle of driving around?If you agree, then the only thing that stands between you and more fun and efficiency creating your membership badges is the choice of the membership badge printer that will fit your needs and your budget.


We'll briefly look into the membership card laminators which are by far the least expensive. Then we'll focus into an array of options for printing membership cards on solid plastic with plastic card printers. This option is more expensive yet produces nicer plastic ID badges.


ID cards printing on paper and laminating


You probably already own a color or black and white printer that produces great prints given high quality printer paper. When that is the case, you just need to add a simple, inexpensive, laminator machine to the mix, add the plastic pouches you need and your membership badge printer combination will start producing great looking cards in minutes from the comfort of your own office or home. This is the least expensive but also least durable option. If you choose to, you can achieve higher quality ID card printing by printing directly on plastic with dedicated thermal membership badge printers.


Plastic card printers for membership badge printing


There are several advantages of using plastic card printers for your membership cards. Plastic badges are much more sturdy for the same thickness than the laminated cards. They also do not need a non-printable border so their graphics can extend all the way to the edge of the card, which makes them more appealing. We'll look into three kinds of plastic ID badge printers: Single sided, double sided, and rewritable plastic badge printers.


Single sided plastic card printers


This is the basic, least expensive kind of a plastic card printer. Plastic badge printers are still quite expensive, so getting a good deal makes many just opt in for a single sided badge printer. Look for the possibilities of the upgrade to double sided in case your needs change. If upgrade to double sided is possible, then it is usually not that expensive.


Double sided plastic card printers


These include a special mechanism within to mechanically flip the card for printing of the other side. Double sided membership badges look more professional and can carry more information. Alternatively, you can keep a non-cluttered look of the front side and push the less pertinent information to the back of the card.


Rewritable plastic card printers


When your members information will change, and you want to keep that record on the card, without the need for new cards, then it is best to invest in the rewritable ID card printing technology. The rewritable plastic badge printers require special thermally sensitive cards for erasing the prints and of course a special printer head.

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Richard Nimoh

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