
May 20th , 2024



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A year ago



The coalition government is allegedly employing "every method to ensure that we (PTI) lose the polls," according to PTI Chairman Imran Khan, despite the PTI's resounding victory over the PML-N in the by-election for 20 constituencies in Punjab.


He claimed, in a statement delivered to the public on television, that "the government's [equipment] was deployed against us notwithstanding the Supreme Court's injunction." 

Khan, criticizing the way the government handled the Punjab by-elections, asserted that if the upcoming elections are conducted "in such a manner," political instability will increase rather than lessen.


The PTI chairman pointed out that the government was forbidden by the highest court's judgment of July 1 from using its machinery for "intervention," yet the PML-N "violated" the ruling.


He stated, "They intervened in every way, filed FIRs, utilized the police to harass our people, but at the same time, I congratulate the police officials who did not pay attention to the government's demands." 

Khan continued by saying he "remembers" the names of all the police officers who harassed PTI employees and "behaved like PML-N employees."


Khan claimed that the acts of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja were motivated by "malintent." 

The PTI chairman said that four million persons were listed as deceased on voter registers as a result of the CEC's "incompetence." 

But beyond from that, he actively participated in the election to guarantee the PML-victory, N's the PTI chairman claimed.


Khan claimed that the CEC's favoritism made the PPP's overwhelming victory in the first round of the local body elections conceivable. 

"He (Raja) is receiving funding from the electoral commission and the Sindh government. The Supreme Court is still considering his case, Khan added. 

Even the electoral commission made every effort to ensure that we would lose. Nevertheless, despite that, more people than ever turned out to vote, and we won.


Elections cannot be transparent under the current election commissioner, according to the PTI chairman. 

At the outset of his speech, Khan referred to the circumstances as a "good time" and expressed his belief that when a people gains knowledge and begins to comprehend its national goal, "then it is a moment to thank Allah."


Preliminary results from Sunday's elections show that the PTI won 15 seats, the PML-N got only four, and one seat went to an independent candidate. 

As he thanked PTI followers, workers, and leaders, Khan stated, "I want to thank the youth and women of Punjab, especially those who came out to cast their vote.


In a statement about his electioneering, Khan stated that he had centered his message on the fundamental idea that "La Ilaha Illallah (There Is No God But Allah)" was the essence of Pakistan. He claimed that once people began to understand this philosophy, they would also begin to understand Pakistan's vision and become a "great nation."


"A group of people become a nation when they have a vision," he said, adding that he was pleased that after a "imported government" was imposed on all of us through a "foreign conspiracy," people began to question [the rulers] and were resolved that they would not tolerate slavery.


"I am happy because, for the first time, I am seeing awareness among people, and now, by the grace of Allah, we are heading toward becoming a nation that will resolve all issues, including debt and lack of resources, among others," Khan said while pointing out that the elite in the nation had made investments abroad and owned properties in other nations because they have no faith in Pakistan.


The PTI chairman recalled the sacrifices made by forefathers in achieving the nation's freedom and added that everyone should be happy of the people of Punjab, especially the women, who turned out to vote because "this is Naya Pakistan."


The former cricketer-turned-politician claimed that a "manufactured political crisis was created" when PTI was in power. 

He emphasized that all indicators were showing an upward trend, especially large-scale manufacturing, which creates job opportunities and boosts tax collection among other things. "If you look at the Economic Survey for the fiscal year 2021–22, you would see that after 17 years, Pakistan witnessed record growth in the last two years of the PTI government," he added. 

He continued by claiming that Pakistan's exports did not increase during the PML-five-year N's administration.


"During both of their tenure, they left significant fiscal deficits. Only to have the accusations against them dropped, they rose to power. He was referring to the NAB amendment measures when he said, "They got laws passed from the assembly. 

The PTI leader said, "But God willing, I would fight all this in the Supreme Court tomorrow (Tuesday)."


He clarified the nation's current economic condition by stating that the political turmoil was a contributing factor. 

Our reserves have decreased by 50% since the PML-N became office. Our rupee is weakening despite the impending agreement with the IMF, he remarked, mocking the coalition government for now attributing difficult decisions on the global financial crisis.


He emphasized that the only way out of the difficulties was through free and fair elections. 

In the next days, Khan warned that if the appropriate parties don't realize that political unrest has a significant impact on the economy, things could get out of hand.


The PTI chairman stated that "economy is connected to political stability [...] and that the only path forward is through clean elections."


The PTI chairman claimed that in his more than 20-year political career, he has never observed the level of "consciousness" that was present during the by-elections in Pakistan.


Khan claimed he would never forget May 25, the day his party marched to Islamabad, when the PTI's workers and supporters were "tortured" by the government. 

"They have no empathy for people," he said. "They did not feel ashamed while tear gassing our supporters even though there were families there."


Despite all of the government's efforts, the public, according to the PTI chairman, took to the streets, and as a result, Pakistan was "finally headed towards being a nation."

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Lucky Official

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