
March 10th , 2025


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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2 years ago

Applying stable boots, bandages or leg wraps can help reduce swelling and keep your horse's legs warm. They can be great also for and when it comes to winter horse riding and for the best riding experience for a rider too at this time of year. Bandages, in horse-riding often called wrappers, protect the horse's legs from injuries. Used mainly in riding, they not only protect from injuries but can also make horse riding a great deal more easy as well as straightforward in and during the winter months too.

Trying to manage your horse and minimise risk can be a challenge for all of us. Field management is the obvious place to start. If possible, rotating land use and not over-grazing will help, although once a field has been badly cut up, there is little that can be done until better weather arrives. Turning horses out in ones and two’s may reduce the incitement to riot, as will making sure that horses are warm, well-rugged and with adequate shelter from bad weather. Although feeding hay or haylage in the field can be wasteful, it is worth thinking about if your horse starts creating near feed time. He’ll be calmer if he is not quite so hungry.


Keeping legs warm in the stable will encourage effective circulation and prevent stiffness. A deep bed will help keep the stable warm as well as reducing strain on the legs and joints. Bring stable bedding right to the door or consider rubber matting on the floor as prolonged standing on cold concrete will be uncomfortable for your horse. Horse Leg Wraps are a key part of and for this too. It is key to make sure you choose the perfect overall Horse Leg Wrap from a top and premium brand too.


Wrapping your horses legs will ensure that they are warm, however an incorrectly applied stable bandage may do more harm then good. If the wrapping is not tight enough, the bandage may slip down. If it is too tight, or uneven, it may restrict circulation to the lower leg or cause damage to the tendons. If too much padding is left above or below the bandage material, it may dislodge the bandage or frighten the horse. Overall, Horse Leg Wraps and bandages are there most of all for protection to the horse so it is key to make sure in the first instance you buy the correct product.

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Richard Nimoh

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