
May 19th , 2024



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A year ago

So many people want to win in life but they keep losing the battle because they are fighting the wrong enemy. 


Bruce Lee once said learn to discipline your emotions, if you don't your enemies will use them against you. The real enemy lies within us. The real enemy is our fear, our doubt and our negative thoughts. The battleground is your mind and the enemy is our subconscious and negative thoughts. 


Whatever you really believe, your subconscious will work at bringing you the tools you need to produce. It is very powerful yet also very vulnerable. Here are some facts about the subconscious and why you should be careful with what you tell it:


-Your subconscious is always on and recording everything you are hearing and saying. It even picks up messages that you are not consciously aware of. It never stops listening and recording. 


-Your subconscious mind cannot comprehend the future. It only knows NOW. The present is the only tense that exists. That's why when we have goals, we should see them as already accomplished.


-Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between your imagination and actual event. That is why you feel scared when you watch a scary movie. Your conscious mind might know it's not real but your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference. That's why you must always act like you are already what you would like to become.


-Repetition creates new beliefs in the subconscious mind. Say and think anything long enough and you will eventually start to believe, even if it's completely false at the time. 


To win in life, you have to fight those negative thoughts and take full responsibility for your life. Stop blaming others for where you are today and take full ownership of your life. You cannot change what is outside you without changing what is within you.

Meet the Author

Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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