
May 19th , 2024



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A year ago

🌺The Mermaid in love ❤️ {18+} 


[Two crazy fishes in love]♥


              💎Episode 20💎




Finally Jim was to the earth..

He was over excited. He danced. Sang and jubilated..




I Could hardly believed Zara left with the man I love..

"Jim!!" I cried all day wishing Jim could return..


Zara has forsaken the Noble kingdom of ours.


"Hey daughter" my mother called from behind.."


"Yes mother,, Chizara is so dreaded and heartless. Is there no other way you can help bring Jim back to me?" I asked crying. 


"Daughter calm down she would regret her awkward actions. please stop crying" she replied.


"Mother, with the lot of power in Zara won't she misused it?" I asked wiping away my tears.


*Yurka is a woman with clear conscience but at time jealous..*


""The moment she left, her powers left.. Don't worry she would one day seek your forgiveness. Not yours alone but ours" 

mother repied.


I embraced mother and sobbed...

Meanwhile, the king felt heart break and embarrassed..


" How Could a trusted daughter of this kindom do a thing forbidden like this for the sake of a goddàmned thing called love.." he soliloquize.


                🌹 Jim's ✨


Wow!!, I was back on Earth again. It seems like a dream. I pinched myself to be sure I wasn't sleeping..


It had been hours we landed on the seashore now but she isn't talking nor reacting...

Just buried her face down. 


"Perhaps she is tired" I thought to myself..


"Are you alright?" I asked her caressing her jawline..


"I'm good just that......" She paused.


"What? Please tell me exactly,what's the problem" I said and stared directly into her hazel eyes..


There was silence and i held her in my arms.. bubble of tears gathered in her eyes.


"Why are you this sad. I expect something different from you not tears. Please share with me your worries" I said.


"I just left my parents with no intention of going back.. I did the forbidden for your sake... I missed my sister's love. You're the only one I know and have now, please promise me you will love me like a woman of your heart till the sun goes down" 

She said and tears gushed down from her eyes..


I never love her less,and I can never leave her.


"Zara, from the bottom of my heart, you will be the woman I will spend the rest of my life with.. you shall bear children for me and we shall life happily forever" I replied in tears and pulled her into a hug..


"Stand up my love, let's get going the sun is too hot" i said with broad smile after a full minute silence.


               🔱 Chizara's ⚔️


The moment we landed on the seashore, I remembered my parents and the extreme love which they show towards I and my sister..


I cried profusely and I got tired, I felt weak in the knee and it seems I don't have much energy.. 


My powers left me the minute I landed on the earth and iI noticed it.

 who knows the condition my parents are in now.. what if the kingdom has been destroy from the water that gushed in..


Tears formed in my eyes and my heart felt broken and guilty.




Jim was confused, he never knew the place he was,fortunately he saw some seamen. He walked to them politely ask asked them after exchanging pleasantries..


"Please were can we get any nearby bus stop here?" 


"Bus stop? I guess you don't know where you're but let me tell you,you're 1000 miles away from the main lane" 


"Ok, fine please which way can i take to at least locate the lane" he asked.


"Hmm,, bro it's a very unhealthy for you to leave and walk alone through the dark wood".the man said

"Wait are you lost? And who is this beautiful woman behind you" 


"Thanks for that but just show me the way" Jim said


"OMG! Is she a goddess !?" The man exclaimed"is she your sister!?"


"I don't know why some people won't mind their business." Jim grumbled loud and the man jerked back to his senses.


"Well,, look up" he said and Jim did and he pointed towards a track path direction.


"You see that track road lead to the main lane but its very dangerous with the black wood. It's full of wild animals that always attack people there" he said and jerked.


"Really?" He managed to asked..


"Yeah but I'll help you. Look over there,those are my teammates. We came in a van"


"Help ? Of what help will a mere mortal be to my supernatural girlfriend"

Jim thought,not knowing Zara had lost her powers.


"Let's walk that way our van is packed there I will give you a ride to wherever you wish." The man said and winked.




We followed the man and he took us in his van.


I could still remember the address of our house. So I told the man and he assured us we'll be there in few minutes.


I exhaled in relief as I kept Zara's hand in-between my hands.


           ❤️ Jeff's ✨


School session was over again and I started a part-time job.


I drove back home so tiredly. I stepped down to open the gate myself hence there was no gateman..


Just then a car horned behind. "Who could be in the car?" I asked myself. We're not expecting any visitors...


I quickly opened the gate and went in banged the gate behind.


I rushed in and met Jim's parents on the table. I met them eating on the dining table.


I was about to tell them about the van outside when we heard a knock on the door.


I went back to open the gate and .....


OMG!! 😲


              🎶 Jim's 🔱


The man dropped us and we thanked him,I look at Zara,her mood has changed.


"What's wrong babe?"


"Your parents might reject me as your partner" she said in a sad expression.


"Don't worry about that. The choice is mine" I assured her..


I laid a gentle knock on the gate...

I waited for a while and the gate opened.......and comes Jeff,he staggered back and was about to fall when I held him and pulled him into a hug 


"Jeff!!!" I screamed.

He exclaimed my name too and we hugged each other like never..


I rushed in to meet my parents.


My mom fainted on seeing me.

When she regained conscious,I went to meet her and on seeing me she fainted again.


"You owe us a story ,you know that !?"

Dad said as he hugged me.


The family became completed again,with Zara added to it, it was a happy family.

I narrated everything that happens to me in the mermaid kingdom,mom fainted again when I got to the part king Lazio took me to the room with deadly cats.




Three months later, we arranged for our wedding though it was in our family.. It was all good and enjoyable.


 I really love seeing her each day I wake up...... Thanks goodness for letting me get to princess Chizara...

At time we share memories about Yurka and her parents but gradually she forgot them and focused on earthly life..




     👑THE END!!




If you enjoyed this story and you didn't like or comment on my pix,we go fight oo 😒

Meet the Author

Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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