
March 12th , 2025



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2 years ago



In spite of what most Ghanaians think, in contrast to Myanmar or Pakistan, the military as an establishment in Ghana, doesn't arrange upsets. People in the tactical stage upsets for their own advantage, and drag the establishment into legislative issues! The impression consequently, that the military is a "upset making machine" is off-base/sad!


A restrained official knows his job in the military is to protect the state, and not to run the show. For sure, nothing prevents a serving official from leaving to seek after a political profession. Involving the military as an easy route to political power is faulty!


The state/lawmakers should likewise perceive/regard the military a significant legitimacy based organization, as occurs in humanized nations, equipped for self-guideline, and should not interfere in its running.



24th February, 1966 is a critical date in Ghana's set of experiences. Co-unexpectedly, on 24th February, 2022, on the 56th commemoration of Ghana's overthrow, Russia attacked Ukraine.


Declassified reports, thirty years after the occasion, demonstrated an outer power's complicity in the defeat of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah on 24 February, 1966. Benefiting from Osagyefo's affinity for dramatic artistry/excellent ventures, he was tricked to go to Viet-Nam to handle harmony in the US-Viet-Nam war.


When Osagyefo was out of Ghana, Col (later Gen) E.K. Kotoka, Commander 2 Infantry Brigade, Kumasi and his Brigade-Major, Major A.A. Afrifa (later Gen), arranged Ghana's most memorable overthrow on 24 February, 1966.

In the ridiculous overthrow, the Army Commander, Major-General Charles Mohammed Barwah, was killed along with officers protecting him.



On seventeenth April, 1967, officers from the 2 Recce Squadron, Ho, arranged a fruitless counter-overthrow in Accra during which Gen Kotoka was killed. The heads of the overthrow Lt S.B. Arthur and Lt Moses Yeboah were executed by terminating crew while 2/Lt Osei-Poku was condemned to thirty years' detainment. 



Following his thirteenth January, 1972 bloodless upset which ousted Dr. Busia's Second-Republic, Lt Col (later Gen) Acheampong has been credited with infrastructural advancement like the Kpong Dam, El Wak Stadium and Dansoman Estates, and so on. 'Activity Feed Yourself' which saw Ghana as a net exporter of rice is promoted an incredible accomplishment.


The reality actually stays that he toppled a justly chosen government. 


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