
October 19th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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Ewen Chia’s Commission Success Hi, it’s me again. Today I am reviewing a new video course I found that is called Commission Success. When I first came across this course, I thought, “Oh, boy. Here we go again. The same old tired Internet marketing schlock wrapped up in a new package.” But when I started going through the video modules, I was happy to discover that my first impressions were way off base. Commission Success is about Internet marketing, sure, but it takes an entirely new approach to the subject. Calling Commission Success a video course about internet marketing is like calling the NFL a bunch of guys playing with a ball. It’s so much more than that. Commission Success does something that most other Internet marketing course promise to do but fail to deliver on their promise: It actually takes you by the hand and shows you how to set up online businesses that are actually profitable. The information is presented clearly and concisely. There’s no rambling asides or mumbled excuses like I’ve seen in a lot of similar products. Commission Success lays out the information in a way that anybody can understand – from the veteran IMer to the first day newbie. The other thing that impressed me was that the information was complete. It didn’t just show you how to set up affiliate marketing platforms and then leave you on your own to fill them with traffic, the way most of these types of courses do. Commission Success actually went the full distance, showing you BOTH how to build your profit engines AND how to drive traffic into them so that they generate long term profits with minimal effort. The steps are clear and understandable. I literally followed along on my laptop while watching the course on my tablet and by the time I had made my way through it a couple of hours later, I had an online business that started making money for me almost instantly. That blew me away. Now, if you have ready my blog before you know that I’ve seen my share of stinkers: Digital products that promise you the moon but deliver stinky cheese. And you know that I’m not shy about contacting the creators of these crappy products and demanding my money back. But with Commission Success, I did something I’ve actually never done before: I contacted the course creator and congratulated him on building such a great course. Believe me, it’s a rarity to find something in the area of Internet marketing that actually does what it is supposed to do. But Commission Success does just that. So if you are looking for a video course that will let you build profit engines, fill them with traffic and start making money from Day One, then you should totally check Commission Success .

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Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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