
June 2nd , 2024



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A year ago



Right then and there I recollect that he was because of movement to Nigeria for an authority visit yet it was reputed it was a ploy to see the renowned Prophet T.B. Joshua, his profound dad.

I accepted however respectable as he seemed to be, he could never mislead his dear country so I quickly rubbished the naysayers tales. After all he had sufficient strength for the past, the present and the future, and his victorious arrival back to Ghana after his clinical survey abroad was an indication of triumph! My heart jumped for satisfaction when at the air terminal he ran, and bittersweet tears euphoria gushed down my eyes and obviously that of millions to see the President back and fit.

On that day when he showed up back home in the midst of such countless reports that he was seriously sick, my heart dissolved in grave acclaim when he talked, yet the doubters said he was nasal to my extraordinary disappointment.

Once more my ears heard what my spirit longed for as his helpers and clergymen repeated the pleasant tune - "the president is extremely fit".

I accepted them since they generally came clean as they swore paradise and earth on TV and radio broadcasts to demonstrate our chief was well and frequently alluded to the minutes he represented hours when he generally met the press.

I accepted them since they generally roared reality, demonstrating the 'blessed' president was never confined to bed as conjectured by the purported doubters. For sure the law of karma appeared to be exceptionally viable in those days as driving figures of the resistance continued to color at whatever point such bits of gossip about the strength of the president turned into a moving subject.

I accepted them since they were brought into the world for reality and had a feeling of prescience since they precisely anticipated the consistently well known president probably won't actually be available on crusade grounds. They focused on that regardless of whether it became important for him to be available on crusade stages he would just be waving to the cheering group and not even annoyance to talk. In any case, tragically they never let us know he will be missing a direct result of death and will be hauled through the roads in a casket to the perspective on crying group and be deserted in a spot called Asomdwee Park!

So on that pivotal Tuesday when it was again supposed the president was gone, I snickered inside and out loud, ate my feast, reviled the naysayers and anticipated that one should kick the bucket. The gossip repeated, the weather conditions out of nowhere became dull and the essences of individuals appeared to be sorrowful yet I stayed confident.

How should an entire president who had his birthday just three days prior pass on with practically no reason? How should a man due for Nigeria simply pass on? I tirelessly contended for my situation and trusted that reality representatives will decry the talk unequivocally.

I checked the radio broadcasts however I could hear just requiems. My heart began pulsating. The TV stations were clear and maybe everyone was hesitant about talking. I continued in my difficult expectation that the news was phony however toward the end my bright face cleared a path for a sad state of mind. I shuddered and surge of removes burst from my eyes when GTV at last affirmed the horrible news.

It was a forlorn pitiful evening. I saw resilient men shake their heads in extraordinary skepticism and wet their garments with tears. I saw ladies howling like they lost a lone youngster. Eyes were truly red as blood for respectable Mills who made Dr. Mrs. Naadu a widow in only one day.

Days have passed and brought forth weeks, months and presently 10 years after the blackest day however I actually can't help thinking about why my legend's end actually has so many paranoid fears thus numerous unanswered inquiries. Why they admitted he was wiped out after his death however demanded he was exceptionally fit when he lived? Why an entire president send a sibling to purchase a cervical collar from a nearby drug store rather than master's consideration? Why it was huge stroke when he had the option to lift his hands and commit his spirit under the control of God? Did the media have a clue when they continually asked specialists in the news regarding what will occur at the unexpected end of a president? Why even the quietness of the extraordinary tree that birthed it's most magnified child when he passed on in contention? Was it maternity or emergency vehicle with no official escorts?

The inquiries rage on yet am don't know there could at any point be any reasonable responses, after all I concur with Ralph Waldo when he said, "The mystery is the solution to everything that has been, all that is, and everything that will at any point be." However, there are a few things I know and these are what for life I will recollect; Just one day an extraordinary pioneer traveled to the creator without bidding farewell. Only one day another pioneer was sworn into office at night of a dismal cold Tuesday. Only one day there was no more dad for all and it was red and dark everywhere, lastly in only one day there was not any more the Yutong transport driver who tended to his travelers as "my family". Rest well our dear President Atta Mills. Aliu Mahama, Amissah Arthur, Kofi Annan and your own J.J. Rawlings yet our own Papa J are completely joined with you in death inside ten years of your tenth commemoration. We sincerely miss all of you. Always in our souls.

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