
May 18th , 2024



A year ago


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The practical Sunnah is the actions and deeds that emanated from the prophet (pbuh). His nature and manner of performing certain acts of the deen.

This can be in his way of dressing, eating sleeping, performing the ablution, attending the nature’s call. His manner of attendance to her wives during intimacy, and many others are all his actions that we need to learn and practice as such


Examples of this are too many to enumerate.

After about ten years of inviting people to Islam, most of Makkah still remained hostile. The noble Prophet then went to Taif seeking new adherents to the faith. He was repulsed and chased out of the city. The future of Islam looked bleak.

It was just after this that the Prophet chose Musab to be his “ambassador” to Yathrib to teach a small group of believers who had come to pledge allegiance to Islam and prepare Madinah for the day of the great Hijrah.

Musab was chosen above companions who were older than he or were more closely related to the Prophet or who appeared to possess greater prestige. No doubt Musab was chosen for this task because of his noble character, his fine manners and his sharp intellect. His knowledge of the Quran and his ability to recite it beautifully and movingly was also an important consideration.

Musab understood his mission well. He knew that he was on a sacred mission. to invite people to God and the straight path of Islam and to prepare what was to be the territorial base for the young and struggling Muslim community.

Laziness is very attractive to ignorance, so wherever there is laziness in the quest for knowledge, be certain to find ignorance married happily to Mr. laziness, making a perfect couple with darkness as their residence. Corrections, criticisms and the like are welcome as usual. They keep me on my toes and on the look out for much information. Since information is key in this day and age.

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