
October 19th , 2024


Mary Marfo

2 years ago


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TCDA sets to send off 5-year key and execution plan

The Tree Crops Development Authority (TCDA), under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, is set to send off an aggressive five years Strategic and Implementation Plan outfitted towards the improvement of a serious and economical tree crops industry in Ghana.


Introduced in September 2020 by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the Tree Crops Development Authority has been depicted as one of the significant stages by government to differentiate the country's farming product portfolio through the formation of a powerful money crop area.


The authority has a command for managing and establishing a helpful climate for the improvement of tree and modern yields, for example, cashew, oil palm, elastic, shea, coconut and mango.


The Minister for Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, will be the Special Guest of Honor at the program booked to happen at the Labadi Beach Hotel on 27th July, 2022.


The send off of the 5-Year Strategy and Implementation Plan ( 2022-2027) will consequently "act as a significant stage towards the foundation of a venture system to direct the preparation of both public and confidential speculations toward the improvement of a cutthroat and feasible tree crops industry in Ghana" as imagined by the Minister, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto.


The Chief Executive Officer of the TCDA, William Agyapong Quaittoo, is confident with the send off of the Strategy, the drives and exercises of the Authority will "proceed to help and reinforce the separate worth chain relationship of' the six command tree crops, specifically cashew, coconut, mango, oil-palm, elastic, and shea."


The Authority is thankful to every one of its accomplices and partners, particularly the International Financial Corporation (IFC) for the specialized help gave to TCDA through the Investment Climate Program subsidized by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) for the improvement of the Five-Year Strategy and Implementation Plan (2022-2027).


"IFC is glad to help this significant 5-year plan, which positions TCDA to draw in interest into regions with enormous potential to assist Ghana with supporting the development of higher-esteem rural commodities and make more and better positions," said Kyle Kelhofer, IFC's Regional Manager situated in Ghana.

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Mary Marfo

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