
March 9th , 2025



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? Dangerous



(Forbidden desires?)


Sub-title:In love with my fake dad?




Written by: Authoress #princess


Now enjoy.......?




Anastasia walked passed the hallway towards lord zakai's room, she placed her hand on the door knob and was about to twist it open when suddenly a hand adorned with a gold bracelet stopped her.


Anastasia frowned, wondering who could stop her from entering lord zakai's room, she turned to see the most beautiful girl she has ever seen in her life.


She had dark pair of eyes, white long hair and red lips, she looked exactly like lord zakai if not for the fact that lord zakai had red hair.


"Is she his sister or his girlfriend?"Anastasia thought inwardly.


"Who the f**k are you!? And what are you doing here?"She half-yelled.


"It turned out that she is his sister because their personalities are the same"Anastasia thought inwardly while putting on a smile before bowing a little.


"Good day miss"Anastasia said.

"Don't call me miss just like that!!, is miss juleah!!!"Juleah said arrogantly.


"I meant to say, good day miss juleah"Anastasia said and juleah rolled her eyes before opening the door (lord zakai's door)and walking inside the room causing anastasia to clench her fist in anger.


"Anastasia, calm yourself huh?"Anastasia said taking a breath in and then out, trying to calm the anger that is burning inside her chest.




"Brother"Juleah called to lord zakai happily immediately she walked inside the room, she didn't think twice before running to him and hugging him tight.


Lord zakai smiled and reciprocated the hug but he pulled out.


"Juleah, don't do what you did back there again"Lord zakai said and juleah scoffed.


"And why?"Juleah said 

"If you weren't my little sister, i could have cut off your neck for the bad attitude showed in front of anastasia"Lord zakai said while walking towards his wardrobe.


"And quit trying to link me with monica because it isn't happening"Lord zakai said and grabbed a box before closing the wardrobe.


"But monica is a nice girl, she is powerful and will fit beside you as queen more than that small human, just a knife driven into her back can end her life, is that the type of queen you want, wherever mum and dad are, they wouldn't be happy wit......."Juleah tried to make lord zakai to change his decision but that only angered lord zakai the more.


"Juleah, your either with me or against me"Lord zakai said coldly.


"You want to end our relationship as siblings just because of that mere human!!"Juleah yelled in disbelief.


"I didn't say i would end it, i said your either with me or against me, it is up to you now"Lord zakai said 


"And with your identity?, you would break her?!!"Juleah yelled and lord zakai clenched his fist in rage.


"Juleah!!, stop speaking about my identity, it doesn't concern you anyways and who told you that i can't supress the beast"Lord zakai said despite knowing fully well that he was lying to himself.


"I said that you can't surpress the beast, if you continue to get too close to her, you will hurt her "Juleah said and turned to leave but suddenly stop.


"If you want to hurt her then continue, i wouldn't stop you anyways"Juleah said and walked out of the room.


Immediately she did so, lord zakai banged his fist on the table in front of him causing it to break into thousand of pieces, he just wanted the painful truth to go away.


He doesn't wanted to believe anything juleah was saying but it was still the truth, a painful truth that even his powers can't hide.


He growled in anger making the glass windows, glass jugs, anything glass to break and fall to the floor.



Anastasia bit her lower lips as she felt some kind of emotions that she couldn't explain, it was eating her up badly.


"Miss anastasia, come quick, lord zakai...he, he is hurting himself"Dax said running in with erica behind him.


That explains everything, the emotions wasn't her, it was lord zakai's, she wore her flip flops and dashed out of the room as fast as she could.


"Miss anastasia, please do something"Naidu said flying towards her as she reached the door, she could hear breakable things shattering to the floor.


Anastasia opened the door and walked in to see him, he had his back turned to her.


Anastasia walked towards him without fear, she knew he would never hurt her no matter what.


Anastasia reached him and wrapped her arms around his stomach level since she was a little bit short.


She felt him tense but when he turned back to look at him, his eyes were red not its normal black, then it switched back to black before she was pushed off his body making her fall on the bed.


Then he ran towards the window and jumped out of it, 

"Zakai!!"Anastasia shrieked and ran to the window, she didn't see him there again.


She turned to tell dax when suddenly a glass pierced her foot and that was the time she looked at the damage before her.


Each glass was soaked in lord zakai's blood and anastasia sighed sadly but come to think of it, why did his eyes turned from its normal black to red.


Like he was fighting with his inner self.

She was damn worried for lord zakai, what's happening to him all of a sudden.


"Miss Anastasia, where is lord zakai?"Dax asked walking in and looking around.


"He jumped out of the window some few seconds ago"Anastasia said staring at her wrist.


"And you couldn't go after him huh?"A guy said walking in, he had dark hair and black eyes lips...geez.(desmond)


"She is a human, remember brother?"Another who had the same features said walking in(damon).


"That is lord zakai's cousins Damon and desmond"Naidu whispered into anastasia's ears.


Anastasia just needed a time alone.

"Excuse me"Anastasia said and began to walk away but ended up tripping when she matched a wet surface but damon jumped and super sped to where she was and caught her in time.


"Thanks"Anastasia said feeling uncomfortable with his touch around her waist, his hands were damn cold.


Anastasia pulled out of his strong grip and walked away, where could lord zakai be?




Am i the only one that feels there are more to lord zakai.

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Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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