
March 9th , 2025



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? Dangerous



(Forbidden desires?)


Sub-title:In love with my fake dad?




written by: Authoress #princess






Anastasia's eyes widened when she heard what she splitted out.


"Shit!"She cursed inwardly as she gazed at his burning eyes which made her to quickly bow down a little.


"Uhmm, I just wanted, I don't want to go back to the orphanage"Anastasia said stammering a little, all she needed right now was fresh air because his presence made all the air to get suspended.


"I know I might not be the type of daughter you would want or like haven't tested me first, am a good girl and wouldn't cause trouble for you or anything that will make you angry or annoyed....just please don't send me to the orphanage"Anastasia rushed her words while breathing hard.


Damn, she really wanted to urinate in her pants.


Lord zakai kept quiet, his gaze burning through her like he could read her heart or something, that alone made her heart to beat more than normal.


"Let's go quickly!"Erica whispered and before Anastasia could say anything, Erica grabbed her hand and teleported to a room..



"Wow"Anastasia wowed at the beautiful and large room that they were inside of, it had the colour white and her favourite colour, blue.


There was a queen sized bed just in the middle of the large room, Anastasia was still lost staring at the room that she didn't hear when Erica was talking all these while..


"Miss Alexa!!"

Anastasia paused and turned before raising an eyebrow.


"You were saying?"Anastasia asked.


(Note: Anastasia was reincarnated into Miss Alexa's body, so to people,she is miss Alexa......for now, miss Alexa and Anastasia is one person).


"I was saying that, thankfully he didn't get angry, if not, it would be very bad"She said fearfully.


"In the future, don't try to get Lord zakai angry or you will pay the consequences,since Lord zakai has already accepted you as his daughter.....this is your room"Erica added and Anastasia stared at her confused.


"I thought he said that he wants me to leave and i didn't remember or heard him telling you to take me to this room "Anastasia asked.


"Lord zakai is a man of few words, millions of years of spending time with him made us to understand what he wants to speak through his expression"Erica said with a smile.


"Millions of years?"Anastasia raised an eyebrow.


"Yea, oh?, i forgot a human was in front of me, well, i wouldn't be the one to explain everything to you......dax will explain"Erica said and before anastasia could speak, erica had already teleported to somewhere else.


"Scary!!"Anastasia muttered under her breathe.


Suddenly erica appeared again 

"And lest i forget, eat breakfast"She said and disappeared again.


Anastasia looked around, searching for the breakfast with her eyes until her eyes landed on a tray with covered food placed in front of the bed.

She ran to the tray and opened the food.


"Wow, look at all these food"Anastasia saueaked, she might sound like a weirdo but she don't f*cking care.


she didn't even think of sitting,she devoured it while standing....she couldn't even finish all so she remained some.


"Reincarnating into this miss alexa's body isn't that bad though"Anastasia thought inwardly with a silly smile on her face as she pat her tummy.


But suddenly she detected something moving towards her, it was tiny and animal was a mouse!!!


"Mouse!!"Anastasia yelled running after the mouse, trying to use her leg to smash it but it was more faster than her with the help of its 4 legs.


When she managed to match its tail, she heard an "aahhhh, that hurts, leave my tail!!"


"What?"Anastasia moved back fearfully, a mouse talking?, this place is getting creepier and creepier by the second for anastasia.


"Don't give me that look princess alexa, am human!"The little mouse said blowing air to its tail.

"Uhmm, am sorry mr mouse, if i hurt you but can u transform back to your human form because....well?, your too small"Anastasia muttered and the little mouse made an "oh?" Sound.


Then it turned big till it was her height, exactly her height.

"I didn't say grow taller, i said transform into human"Anastasia said and watched as he transformed.


First, his green hair then his green eyes too and his nose before lips till his legs.


"Taaddaa"He said stretching his arms wide with a chuckle.

"I know this isn't humanity"Anastasia said with wide eyes.


"Yea, we aren't mortals like you, by the ways, my name is dax"Dax said bowing a little and she cleared her throat, feeling weird.


"Anyways, i was assigned by lord zakai to guard you and show you around the empire, and also to explain some things to you"Dax added 


"Are we going to teleport?"Anastasia asked.

"No, i don't have that power, everyone has their own basic or personal power except from lord zakai though, he has the whole power....


"That's awesome, and you transform to mouses?"Anastasia asked finding this power really weird.


"Not only mouse darling, i can change to all kinds of animals in different sizes, like for example, i can change into elephant which is very small"Dax said 


"Which group should we meet first, werewolves,vampires, dragons,witches or wizards...."Dax paused 


"They have vampires, werewolves and dragons here"Anastasia asked in both awwn and fear.


"Yes, your father is the master of them all because he is the most powerful and he is the dragon lord"Dax said with a sigh.


"He is not my f*cking father, am anastasia, he is alexa's father!!"Anastasia wanted to yell it out but she kept quiet knowing fully well that if they find out that she isn't miss alexa then they will kill her straight.


"Let us go to the library, shall we?"Dax said and anastasia's face lit up like a christmas tree.


"Yea"Anastasia smiled and followed dax to a dark passage making her to clinge to the wall until she walked into a door and there...there was a large and many bookshelfs of books.


"It is f*cking big!!"Anastasia yelled jumping while dax smiled.


"I know that your not miss alexa"Dax said and anastasia's eyes widened.

"Even lord zakai knows, it was lord denza, lord zakai's father's plan all along....there is something you don't know about lord zakai that i want to explain"Dax said and took a breathe in before explaining.


"Lord zakai has a cold toxin inside his body"Dax said.


"What?, i thought cold toxin was only heard or seen in movies"Anastasia asked in shock.


Note:Cold toxins (not sure whether is real) is a poison injected to someone that gives the person excruiting pain...sometimes people kill theirself because of the pain.


"Nope, is real here, he knows that your not miss alexa but what he doesn't know is that you were brought here to save him"Dax sighed.


"Are you trying to say....?

"Yes, it was lord denza that controlled the car that hit you that day.....listen to my reasons first, if lord zakai dies with this poison in his body, all of us will perish"Dax said 


"So i need a favour from you, after years of searching for his cure, we found you, your the only one that can save him. Hope what i would say next that you wouldn't say no to it.....please"Dax begged and anastasia nodded unconsciously.


"I want you to go to his bed everytime the cold toxin acts up and cuddle him...just cuddling, nothing else and the pain will go away for that day"Dax said and anastasia frowned.


"But he is my father......

"No,he is not, remember you aren't miss this for us please, just hug or cuddling on bed....nothing else"Dax added and anastasia bit her lower lips..


"Should i do it?"Anastasia thought.




Will she agree?

Do u think is only cuddling they will do


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Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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