
March 9th , 2025



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Call Me Revenge ??


Episode 4


Bianca's POV


The fuck just happened?


Did we just teleport or appear here?


"Where we at?" I asked as calm as I could 


"And how did we get here?" I asked again


"This is my house" she replied and went straight to lay on the bed in the room.


Let me tell you what this room looks like.


It's an all white room, the walls, the ceiling, the sheets on the bed, the rug on the floor, the couch, even the gas cooks.


"Why is the whole thing white" I asked her confused.

First of all I hate white 

Secondly it's too much


"That was my boyfriend's idea, of what our secret hideout would look like" she replied tears forming in her eyes


"Secret hideout? Where's your boyfriend?" I asked her


"Earlier today when you asked me what happened. My boyfriend was murdered by our bosses rival, and I watched him die so that hurt so much to say. I even refused to talk to the cops cause it wasn't necessary" she shrugged her shoulder and a tear slipped her eye. Then she layed on the bed


I know the feeling of watching someone die so I went to lay with her on the bed, I pulled her close so she could cry on me.


"Why did you say talking to the cops wasn't necessary?" I asked her

Cause that sounded a little suspicious


"I don't know why I feel comfortable talking to you, I haven't had anyone who's ready to sit and listen to me so I'll say as much as can" she sniffed, took in a deep breath and started talking.


"We use to work for this little secret agency" She was saying before I cut her off 


"You use to, what do you mean use to?" I asked


"This would be better if am the only one talking, when my boyfriend was murdered I knew instantly that they couldn't protect me so I called and quiet and I told them where to find thier stuffs.


We're like the bad guys, not like, we are the bad guys and I just found that out recently.


I refused to tell my boyfriend we were working for the bad guys cause he doesn't know how to handle things so I just decided when we done with this last assignment we'll resign and move far away from America and he agreed but now he's no more.


We were in Miami Florida, the treats there was worst than this so our boss asked us to move to Atlanta Georgia, cause it was safer but I don't see safety I see death and I'll do anything to avenge my boo's death. 


I don't blame the men that killed him, I blame my boss he knew that this would happen but he didn't care, cause he knew we were done with what he needed so maybe we're of no use anymore.


And he's the one am coming for. He should know fear increases hatred. I have the original copies of everything I did for them what's with him are just duplicates with everything, it looks real but the ones I have created the ones he has so I can shut them down with these ones.


I wish I could actually work for a good agency and use this against them" she finished her story.

Oh wow

I thought I was the only one running. Speaking of agency



"What's the time?" I asked. My phone was dead so


"It's 11:30pm" she replied after looking at her phone


"I have an appointment at UnderCover tomorrow by nine, I need to nap, please help me charge my phone" I said and gave the phone to her.


"You work for the UnderCover? The government secret agency? Can you get me in?" She gasped


"Am not in yet I'm applying" I replied and her smile faded


"I could be an asset to them, I'll go with you tomorrow. Please please please" she said doing a baby face grabbing my arm


"Hey, hey fine, but you've not even applied"


"I don't need to, I'll just go to your Espionage with all information about my ex boss and they'll surely need me to take him down then maybe through that they could consider recruiting me" she said excited like she won a lottery


"How sure are you that'll work?" I asked surprised at her confidence


" It's been working, the organization I walked for was in New York and it was for the government, but once I was kidnapped and they didn't come for me, they left me there to die and they've been treating me badly before that.


In their constitution a government worker cannot be left in the hands of the enemy and since there never came back for me i knew I had to find my way out.


It took me time but I did eventually and when I did an old friend took me on a date, we started talking about work, he was unnecessarily open about being a spy and I felt free to talk about how I left my other agency.


Then he told me how I was an asset, took me to his Espionage and I stupidly told them I have informations about the enemy organization who captured me, they were enemies with them so when they took them down they recruited me.


The thing is I've never seen my ex boss before, no one in the organization has including his personal assistant. 


The order organization I work for, you know who you working for but this one not even pictures and the weirdest is the name of the organization is NONAME" she ended her long story. That was actually a hot shot there. Ok she's gon through alot and she's still a cry baby


"So you've been through this much and you're still a cry baby?" I asked, you know that part pissed me


"Oh please, I lost the love of my life let me cry" she said and sniffled.

Oh fake sniffles


"The receptionist "


"There is a receptionist? What is that a hotel?" She asked with wide eye


"That's just where you get to meet is it the mentor she called it that's not the recruit center or the HQ, I don't know how this works so don't ask me, but I know the recruit center is far away in the middle of nowhere" I fake smiled at her


"I've never been to a recruit center, I've just been jumping into this job.


Even in New York I was fortunate to be in that building and I was taken to start working" she said and smiled back


"This would be the last story I'll want to hear before I sleep, what building in New York?" I asked curious to know what building she was 


"Ok. I was a curious kid and you know am a computer genius plus an Engineer, I don't know how to put this but I will.


We had this project in school and I needed to get it done and the answers was in this interview with the deputy governor.


And for you to be there was highly based on invitation. So I had to create myself a fake ID, hack into their system and get myself an invitation.


While everything was going on, we were asking questions, getting answers I began to notice this funny movement close to the deputy governor and I signaled his guard. The man called me out for a word, he told me he worked for the agency there was nothing to hide, then he asked me how I knew spy language.


I told him I saw it somewhere and it looked interesting so I learnt it. 


We both calculated how we could get the deputy governor out when the attack starts and which route to take and he gave me his car keys and made me in charge of getting the deputy governor out of there. 


It was a tough one, the deputy governor had to sleep in my little apartment that night cause I wasn't taking him to his mansion, cause while they attached the conference room, they also attached his penthouse and it wasn't safe taking him back there.


The next morning the guard came for the deputy governor, he vouched for me at agency and that's how I got in straight to work no recruit center for training, like I was born spy material. We better sleep now cause we got a whole day tomorrow" she said getting under the covers


"Hmm seems getting in through the conners is the best and that's what we'll be doing" I said and got under the covers too


"I have a good plan that'll get us both in without going through recruit center training and I'm going to need your help" I said with a smirk


I hope you loved this episode.

Please don't forget to like and comment if you like it or not.

Love y'all ??


By: Deby Ema

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Daniel Teye Ayertey

Content writer

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