
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago



There is a motive for every action that comes from anyone and that is fueled by our desires. Sometimes the motives are very clear because the actions they engage in reveal the same. Thus, the motive underlying one's action is either overt or hidden depending on the action or how the intentions behind the motives are read.

According to the Rosicrucian Fellowship (2022), there are four motives for action: love, wealth, power and fame. "These are the four great motives of human action. The desire for one or more of them is the motive for all that man does or leaves undone" (www.rosicrucian, 2022).

Desire, which actualizes our motives, can mean a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. Metaphysically, desire is “An expression of man's innermost being; forward by the impulse of a constantly developing person. It springs from the depths of Being and has lasting power (, 2022)”.

Thus, desire is the oil that lubricates the four motives of every human action. In order for a motive to be realized, a person must have the desire to realize it.

The great Leaders of mankind have wisely given them as incentives to action, that man may gain experience of the motives which underlie their actions, and the desires which actuate them and by which they can learn.

These motifs: Love, Wealth, Power and Fame are essential and can be safely continued to be used as a guiding post by all aspirants on the path. But then the spiritual aspirant must transform such motives into something higher. "He must overcome with nobler aspirations the selfish love which seeks the possession of another body and all desires for wealth, power and fame for narrow and personal reasons."

The point being made here is that the desire for wealth, power and fame should be one that is used for the greater good of humanity and not for provincial, selfish and self-aggrandizing purposes.

"The love they must desire is only that which is of the soul and embraces all beings, high and low, growing in proportion to the needs of the recipient (www.rosicrucian, 2022)". If an act is not motivated by love that takes into account the needs of the recipient, then the act may not be well intended.

Anyone on a positive spiritual path must learn to develop and transmute all other motives into the service of humanity with love as the foundation.

“Wealth, that which consists in an abundance of opportunity to serve one's fellows; Power, the only one that contributes to the upliftment of mankind; Glory, none except that which increases his ability to spread the good news that all who suffer may so quickly find comfort for sorrow of heart (www.rosicrucian, 2022).

It follows from the above that whatever motive one wishes to achieve should be one that seeks to uplift other people and free them from their slavery.

To conclude, in the search for love, wealth, power and fame, the mind of all aspirants must be occupied with this question; what does one need these things for? If the intention is not to help many fellowmen better, but for other selfish purposes, then such motives are as useless as the enterprise itself.

Let your motives and desires be guided by noble ideals such as altruism, compassion, kindness, and the desire to serve others.

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