
October 20th , 2024


Richard Nimoh

2 years ago


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Every new internet affiliate marketer would face this problem after they have started their website. Getting traffic is the main headache and major concern for all new marketers out there. Many beginners actually give up after the first few tries. It is important to know that getting the properly targeted traffic takes hard work and consistent work. If you don’t get much traffic after the first few tries, you just have to keep trying and don’t stop. I’ll share with you 3 main things that you must focus on at the start of your internet marketing adventure.

Focus at one thing at a time


There are many creative ways you can start generating free traffic. Beside free traffic, there is also a paid traffic method that you can choose to generate your traffic. Whichever traffic method that you prefer, you must focus on mastering it before you move onto another traffic generation method. The key point here is focus on one before moving on. Otherwise you won’t be going very far on your adventure.


Consistency is the key


Another key point here is consistency. Let’s take article writing for our traffic generation example. Let’s say you just submitted one article to a directory today. You won’t be getting a lot of visitor with just one article. What you need to do is to submit at least 3 articles per week to various directories. You have to keep doing this if you want a lot of visitors to your website. You need to consistently be submitting articles if you plan on getting good amount of traffic.


Increase your volume


Rule number 3 is increasing your volume of whatever that you are doing. If you are submitting articles to directories, you need to increase the volume of your submission. If you are submitting video contents as your preferred way of generating traffic, then you have to increase the amount of your submissions. You have to put time and effort to get good amount of traffic. The bigger volume of your submissions, the better amount of traffic that you get! It’s as simple as that, but a lot of new beginners don’t really put in the effort and hard work required and they tend to give up very soon. The 3 points that I shared is the golden rules if you are just starting out. I know everyone is looking to be successful in everything that they do, effort and hard work is always the key ingredient in pursuing that success.

Meet the Author

Richard Nimoh

Content writer

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