
February 28th , 2025



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Thank you once again for clicking to this article and this is important message to all National Service Personnel across the country. Kindly forward this message to all the platforms of NSP after reading.

National Service Scheme is a mandatory service for all graduates from all the institutions in Ghana and therefore all graduates are to serve the country after their education in the various institution. And doing this, one can thereafter work in various institutions after the Service. It is the National Service Scheme's rule that one must be employed or can be employed after his or her National Service for one year in the country.

The Management of National Service Scheme (NSS) wishes to announce to all National Service Personnel (NSP) and other user or private agencies that this year's National Service is officially going to end on 30th September 2022.

Therefore all National Service Personnel across the country are to be on post for this August and the month of September will be for terminal leave for all National Service Personnel.

Again, the annual evaluation forms which is the mean to asses all National Service Personnel's performance during the time of Service has been successfully uploaded on the dashboard between the public and private agencies or organisations.

In view of this all National Service Personnel are to download the evaluation forms, fill and submit to their supervisors and District offices across the country for endorsement starting from today 2nd August.

The Management urges all National Service Personnel to treat this information urgent since this is the mean to process their National Service Certificate. Failing to do this may result in not getting the certificate on time.

The Management is therefore wishes to thank all National Service Personnel (NSP) for their effort, hardworking and selfless to render this mandate in the country. Thank you for reading and kindly forward this message to all NSPs across the platforms.

Thank you for reading this important message and kindly forward this to all NSP across the country. 

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Emmanuel Odoom

Content writer

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