
March 8th , 2025



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2 years ago

The Law Society of Ghana (LSG) has said it is worried about the order by the General Legal Council (GLC), to competitors who wish to sit for the Law School selection test to sign an endeavor which removes their entitlement to look for review for issues which might emerge out of the assessments. An assertion gave by LSG said the endeavor, in the event that endorsed by the competitors, "will remove their entitlement to demand re-stamping of contents, re-counting of scores or survey of imprints". The assertion, endorsed by General Secretary Atukwei Quaye, additionally said competitors who sign the endeavor, "can't likewise demand to see their obvious response scripts or the stamping plans utilized for denoting the inquiries". "By the details of the endeavor, any outcomes delivered and distributed by the GLC will be conclusive and no inquiries can be raised about them", LSG noted. The gathering said its anxiety "emerges fundamentally out of the way that the GLC is the public body laid out by regulation, answerable for the preparation and permitting of legal counselors to rehearse in Ghana as well as directing the act of regulation in Ghana". The LSG said it "shares the worries raised by the understudies" and some good natured Ghanaians who have denounced this "unreasonable, vile, inconsistent, and unjustifiable order from the GLC". "What precisely is the goal behind this order in any case? What is the GLC attempting to accomplish? In the same way as other Ghanaians, the LSG likewise trusts that this order, whenever permitted to win, has the probability" of being a "expected conductor to reproducing debasement, nepotism, and the maltreatment of force". "It is vital of note that the GLC, an organization which should prepare and permit legal counselors with moral standards of decency equity, straightforwardness and high uprightness, is, itself, needing to diagram a course, which is straightforwardly inverse to such standards and which goes counter to best practices". "How could a body which looks to prepare individuals to protect the privileges of others, radiate decency and equity attempt to show the precise inverse of such fundamentals?" the gathering pondered. It said: "The mandate of the GLC is against best practices and we ask them to be more straightforward as opposed to dark in their dealings, taking everything into account". "This bold demonstration of force and discretion should not be permitted in a Constitutional regulation like our country", LSG demanded. It added: "In our law as a country, there are roads for change. It is the established right of each Ghanaian to look for change when unsatisfied with an activity by any open body". "Any such strategy with the view to expelling the locale of the court isn't adequate". "The LSG approaches the GLC to pull out the order and rather lay out cycles and methodology which will improve public certainty through straightforwardness and responsibility. The GLC should realize that public certainty is rapidly disintegrating in the space of legitimate training and as an affiliation we unassumingly approach the GLC to reexamine their situation to acquire public trust."

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