
March 7th , 2025



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I am Dogah Eleazer Korbla, a level two hundred student of Akatsi college of education, pursuing ICT and Mathematics as a program and a candidate for the SRC FINANCIAL SECRETARY portfolio Akatsicoe for the 2022/2023 academic year.

First and foremost, I will like to talk about who a leader is. Nelson Mandela once said, “ a leader is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind’’.

A leader is a person who leads his followers to achieve their targeted objectives. The most valuable component of leadership is not power, position, influence, fame, gifting talent, or academic achievement. It is all about character. Character is the framework of credibility for a leader. Without the element of strong, noble, and honorable character, leadership and all its potential achievements are in danger of cancellation. 

The Chairperson, SRC executives, colleagues, ladies, and gentlemen, I am highly honored to stand before this amazing student populace, seeking the mandate to become the next SRC financial secretary. I would like to congratulate our outgoing SRC Executives for their hard work.

Akatsicoe is a very big institution with many students who have the potential to carry on the mandate as the financial secretary but I would like to explain to you why someone like me deserves this office.

I believe in explicit credibility, accountability, and loyalty. No one is perfect though but as a God-fearing person, I gave myself a reputation to be believed and trusted in. I also have some experience in the job through serving as the Financial Secretary for EPSU South Volta Presbytery.

I also believe that the fundamental concern of others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world a better place we passionately dreamt of.  Hence, the wish of the people at heart. 

As a humble servant, I do my responsibilities by consulting the people I serve to seek their views on a project before embarking on that project. This portrays your views Supreme in my tenure of office if you give me the mandate to serve you as the SRC Financial Secretary.

The supremacy to let your views be superior lies in your hand. I am here today making a humble request for you to give me the mandate to serve you as the next Financial Secretary hopefully in 2022. With the approval of the student body as well as other SRC representatives, I would like to put the following in place in my tenure of office.

The Chairperson, managing the finance of an organization I believe is something not to joke with since Finance is the pivot of every organization. There should certainly be a person who can integrate digitalized system into the office of the SRC Financial Secretary. The integration of the digitalized system will help showcase transparency thereby preventing errors since the student populace can easily be updated online after payment is made.

The Chairperson, to ensure detailed accountability, students will be accounted for at least once in a semester not necessarily at the end of the tenure of office.

Boosting the finance of this body is one of my main objectives. Mr. Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, we all know that within a year, SRC has so many activities to organize. An example is the SRC week celebration, sports, entertainment, and so on. I intended to put up a printing press for SRC so that students will be able to print out their documents at the best quality and affordable price. This and many other projects to consolidate funds for the SRC would be accomplished by involving the whole student body.

Look no further for the right person is in front of you. A matter of financial nature is a very sensitive part of every association or institution, and for that matter, it needs someone with the requisite knowledge, skill, and ability to handle such matters. 

Vote Dogah Eleazer Korbla as the next SRC Financial Secretary 2022/2023 academic year for explicit credibility, accountability, and loyalty. The wish of the people at heart. 

Waste no time just Vote #1 and move.

Long Live Ghana

Long live TTAG

Long Live Akatsicoe

Thank you

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Godknows Ahiagbah

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