2 years ago
Mr. Chairman, distinguished tutors, outgoing prefects, accurate timekeeper, colleague students , fellow candidates , ladies and gentlemen.It is an honour and a privilege to stand before you this day, to present my manifesto.
I am Miss USMANU RAUDATU APENTENG, Agricultural and Home Economics student, aspiring for the available position of the Womens Commissioner for this noble institution (Akatsi college of education), for 2023-2024 academic year.
Mr. Chairman, before I commence, I would like to use this platform to acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous work done by the outgoing S.R.C executives, especially my predecessor Miss Celestine Dadoho, the outgoing womens Commissioner for a great work done. I say Ayekoo!!!
Mr Chairman one may ask, Who is a Womens Commissioner A womens commissioner is the main spokesperson for and on behalf of all female students in the college and beyond. She serves as the focal person in the college and collaborate with other female groups and other institutions both locally and nationally for the enhancement of the female students.
Mr Chairman, it is in this light that I write to solicit for my colleagues students support, through their vote to become the next womens commissioner, for this great institution.
Mr. Chairman when voted for as the women commissioner, my attention would be geared towards three main and strong areas. These areas include.
Eliminating abuses on female students
Representing the interest of my colleague female students
Improvement on sanitation and health on campus
Representing the interest of my colleague female students. Mr. Chairman, the main obligation facing anyone occupying the position of the women commissioner is to represent and fight for the interest of her colleagues females. She is to make sure that decisions arrived at, on and beyond campus favours and serve the interest of her colleague as well.
Mr. Chairman, from my personal observation and experiences, the vulnerable ladies such as the special needs students and juniors have had their liberty trampled upon by seniors and even their own colleagues. Bad comments relating to their health, physical and educational status are metted out to them. This leaves these personalities emotionally broken and reduce their self-respect, confidence and self-esteem.
I will help by creating a link where students can report anonymously without having to worry about confidentiality.A problem shared they say is a problem solved.
Mr. Chairman, when given the nod to serve, I would ensure that these kind of inhuman practices seize to exist on campus.
Improving upon sanitation and health.
Mr. chairman, cleanliness they say is next to godliness. Thus, for us to live a healthy and strong lives, depends on the level of hygiene we operate within on the campus. Therefore, if am voted for, as the next womens commissioner, these are the projects intended to put in place to enhance hygiene in the school.
Work hand in hand with the sanitation prefects to procure cleaning agents such as power zones, detol and will make sure scrubbing is done regularly to prevent females from being infected with Urinary Tract Infections like Candidiasis and Gonorrhea, which if not treated early and properly , can cause irreversible reproductive system damage by affecting the Fallopian tube of a woman and can lead to barrenness and early menopause.
I will also invite health personals at least once every month to educate ladies on personal hygiene , the implications of practicing risky sexual behaviors and other health issues related to women.
Provision of drying lines for the female students to ensure that they no do not dry their uniforms and undergarments on grasses or bear floor, which can transfer germs into them and leave them infected
I will also plan with the sports prefect to organize sporting activities for students at least twice every month, this is to promote good health among students.
Mr. chairman, these projects would be finance by both hall and S.R.C dues.
Mr. Chairman these policies and project would be laid to rest if am not voted for. I therefore entreat the general students body to vote for Miss Usmanu Raudatu Apenteng, as the next Women Commissioner of Akatsi College of education for there is a better life ahead .
Leadership is not determined by physical appearance, fame, social status or religious affiliation, but rather, Competence and readiness to serve. I wont go in for something I know I cant do, NO, my personality and believe will not allow me to. Action they say speaks louder than words. Give me the benefit of the doubt and watch me turn my vision into reality.
#More powerful the woman, the stronger will be the nation.
#Equity,Equality and Service.
Long live AKATSICO long live us all.
Thank you
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