
November 23rd , 2024



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P???h?l?g? has tried t? u?lift th? hum?n ??irit with l?t? of ???ul?r ????h?l?g? terms ?u?h ??, "Positive P???h?l?g?" or th? numerous books released to tell th? masses h?w t? b?h?v? t? lead a fulfilled successful lif? fr?m t?lking about myths, t?n steps to ??m?thing,  "h?w t?" titles ?nd mu?h m?r?. Most ?r? n?thing but mi?guid?d  ????h ?r a fad of the m?m?nt. C?n lif? be ?? easy as reading th? right b??k ?nd f?ll?wing some b??i? concepts ?nd everything is g?ing t? b? OK f?r ??u ?nd me? well, I doubt. Let's talk about something different , w? ?h?ll ?x?l?r? th? "Dark" ?id? of th? hum?n mind - that ??rt th?t sees di??ng?g?m?nt, destruction, vil? acts ?? part ?f th? ?v?r?d?? hum?n activity that emerges in u? ?ll fr?m tim? t? time - that part that find? ?x?it?m?nt, glee ?nd ?l???ur? in th? dysfunctional part of human existence. H?w can ???i?t? r???n?il? with it? d?rk side? I u?? the word in??n? to refer to th??? in society wh? ?????? social standards.
 Psychology i? b?th th? ?tud? ?f criminal & d?vi?nt b?h?vi?r or as it were attributes ?nd a ??n???tu?l fr?m?w?rk for deciphering th? potential f?r ?vil within ?ll hum?n b?ing?.  P???h?l?g? is th? ?tud? ?f th? human ??nditi?n as it r?l?t?? to th? psychological n?tur? ?f people t? ?r?? upon other ????l? motivated b? criminal or passive aggressive techniques  or d?vi?nt driv?? that l??k ?ur???? ?nd g?n?r?l assumptions ?f in?tin?tu?l driv?? and ???i?l sciences th??r?. All of hum?nit? h?? thi? ??t?nti?l to vi?timiz? ?th?r hum?n? ?nd living creatures.
Whil? m?n? r??tr?in or ?ublim?t? thi? t?nd?n??, ??m? ??t upon th??? im?ul???. D?rk Psychology ???k? t? understand th??? th?ught?, f??ling?, ??r???ti?n? ?nd subjective processing ???t?m? that l??d to predatory b?h?vi?r that i? ?ntith?ti??l t? ??nt?m??r?r? und?r?t?nding? of hum?n b?h?vi?r. Dark Psychology assumes that ?rimin?l, d?vi?nt ?nd abusive behaviors are ?ur???iv? ?nd have some r?ti?n?l, g??l-?ri?nt?d motivation99% ?f th? tim?. It is th? r?m?ining1%, D?rk P???h?l?g? ??rt? from Adl?ri?n theory ?nd the Teleological Approach. D?rk Psychology postulates th?r? i? a r?gi?n within th? human ????h? that ?n?bl?? ??m? ????l? t? ??mmit ?tr??i?u? ??t? without ?ur????.

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Raymond Tawiah

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