
October 20th , 2024



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A boss is one person every worker in a firm looks up to for direction and confidence. Therefore one major character of a boss is the ability to keep secrets of your workers.

No matter how offended you are as a leader don't attack people by their weakness or the secrets they share with you. There should be things only you must know about people and under no circumstances must you spill it out. When people offend you bitterly, let them lose your trust but don't let them lose your integrity. Keep certain things to yourself for the sake of their image but never trust them with anything important to you.

We all want others to feel they can trust us. One part of earning trust is keeping others' confidences. This is as true at work as it is in life generally. The thing is though, if we’re going to be trustworthy, we have to have the good judgment to know when something should be kept secret and when it is harmful or wrong to do so.

There are gradations to secrets you can or should keep. It’s obvious that we should respect someone’s personal secrets most of the time. If your worker confides in you about his situation, most of the time it’s nobody else’s business and it likely would hurt your worker’s feelings if you gossiped about it. That is the worker may end up been affected by leting out whatever he/she confinded in you.

The more you are able to keep secrets as boss, you stand to win the trust of your workers. That is your workers are able to open up to you on their situation which in one way or the order is making them less productive at work. This helps you as a boss to solve the situation if its within your capacity. This will go a long way to boost the worker's confidence and work rate. Resulting in improved productivity.

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Charles Boakye Agyemang

Content writer

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