
June 16th , 2024



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The shocking scenes were captured at Welcome to Rockville festival in Daytona, in which the group – who is known for playing metal covers of bands including Smashing Pumpkins and System Of A Down – were on stage performing Rage Against The Machine’s banger Wake Up to a packed crowd.

After telling fans she needed to use the bathroom but wasn’t able to, singer Sophia Urista was seen pulling down her trousers and squatting over a man, who was lying on the stage.

According to reports, Urista was earlier heard saying: ‘Get my man with the can on his head ready, ’cause we’re going to bring him onstage and I’ma p*** in this motherf***er’s mouth.’

She reportedly added: ‘I gotta pee. And I can’t make it to the bathroom. So we might as well make a show out of it.’

In videos uploaded to social media, Urista pulled down her trousers and continued on singing while she squatted over the man and proceeded to pee on his face, with the band playing like normal as people in the crowd voiced their shock at what they were witnessing, with one person heard saying ‘oh my god’ as others cheered.

Afterwards, the singer pulled up her trousers and told the man to get off the stage before she was seen laying a towel down over the area.

Watch video below

In response to the moment, a statement to the band’s Twitter on Saturday read: ‘Sophia got carried away. That’s not something the rest of us expected, and it’s not something you’ll see again at our shows.

‘Thanks for bringing it last night, Daytona.’

Still, many social media users asked whether the man involved had willingly been urinated on as the band replied to concerned and curious punters.

One social media user wrote: ‘Things that could have happened other than peeing/assaulting someone:

‘1. Stop the set, use the potty.

‘2. Pull a Fergie [in response to Black Eyed Peas frontwoman Fergie revealing she once wet herself on stage]

‘3. Held it for another 15 mins.’

To this, the band replied: ‘We hear the suggestions and won’t be doing that again, but no assault occurred there.’

After another asked whether the band considered the mess left for cleaning staff, they wrote: ‘Sophia actually cleaned it up herself after the set. Lysol and paper towels.’

In response to people asking whether the concert-goer knew what was going to happen, the band insisted: ‘Yes. Several comments made about peeing prior to it actually happening. Invited to stage.’

Meet the Author

Issah Abdul Fatao

teacher,graphic designer and a blogger

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