
July 27th , 2024



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A year ago

The Ghana Police Service is offering a reward of GHC 100,000 to anyone who comes forward with information that may help them find the Wa killings' culprits.

"We continue to urge anyone with reliable information to come forward and provide it to the police to facilitate the arrest and conviction of the offenders."

The police said that their examination of the information they have so far indicates that more than one individual may be involved in this horrible act, and they are determined to do everything it takes to apprehend them and bring them before the law.

According to police, Wa Municipality and its surroundings will continue to enjoy law, order, and security.

According to police, Wa Municipality and its surroundings will continue to enjoy law, order, and security.

As of now, one suspect, Kankani Adongo, who was detained on September 19, 2022, is aiding the inquiry.

A body of a male adult was found at Bamahu by the special purpose intelligence and investigative team during their surveillance on the night of September 19, 2022.

The body was removed after the required crime scene investigation and placed at the Regional Hospital in Washington in anticipation of the autopsy.

As part of the inquiry into the incidents, a team is being led to Wa by a pathologist from the Police Hospital.

Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), visited the Wa municipality and gave the chiefs and residents of the Upper West region the assurance that the Ghana Police Service would use all available means to apprehend those responsible for the killings and kidnappings in the municipality.

The IGP also called on locals to assist the police in reducing crime in the area and gave the chiefs and people of Wa assurances that they will enhance the security situation in the municipality.

IGP reassured people that "We will keep working to improve the security situation because we are here for you."

Meet the Author

Emmanuel Adjei

Content writer

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