
March 9th , 2025



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2 years ago


William Branham [1909-1965]    ·

William Branham was a world-renowned American healing evangelist who had an  extraordinary combination of the prophetic office, supernatural manifestations and divine  healing. 

His tragic death in 1965 was the fulfilment of a prophetic word spoken through Kenneth  E. Hagin that God was “removing the prophet” from the scene. Hagin believed this was  because of his disobedience to the call and the creation of doctrinal confusion.   · At his birth, a light came whirling through the window, and circled around where he was.  · He answered the call of God on a hospital bed when he heard a voice saying, “I called  you and you would not go.”   · He was born again in an old shed in the back of his house when a light came and shown  on the wall of the shed, forming a cross.   · Whilst praying an angel appeared to him to indicate to him that he would receive two  gifts as signs to prove his ministry.  · The first sign was that he would be able to detect diseases by a physical vibration in his  left hand.  · The second sign was that; he would know the very secret of the hearts of the people who  he ministered to.   · T. L. and Daisy Osborn were greatly influenced by his meetings in Portland, Oregon.

William Branham’s partnership with Gordon Lindsay in 1947 helped him take his  ministry into the Full Gospel circles.   · Lindsay was a master in organization, an attribute that Branham lacked.  · In 1948, Branham suffered a nervous breakdown due to overwork in the ministry. He  accused Lindsay of overextending him and their relationship suffered. Lindsay left the  Branham team after four years.   · Branham's managers took advantage of him and his ministry funds and enriched  themselves.  · He incurred an avoidable $40,000 out-of-court settlement for a tax-evasion suit from  carelessness in financial matters, a debt he carried for the rest of his life.  · A cult formed around his personality, of men who pacified Branham's ego and  encouraged him in his bizarre visions, claiming him to be the new Elijah, the forerunner  of Christ's return, and the head of the seventh Church age.   · Branham, took on the office of a teacher by his own will. This would not have occurred  in the era of Lindsay. God didn't call Branham to be a teacher, because he didn't know the  Word. He taught disturbing doctrines:  o He taught that Hell was forever, but not for eternity.

He also taught The Seed of the Serpent doctrine; that Eve and the Serpent had sexual relations in the Garden and created Cain. Cain, he said, built great cities where scientists and intellectualism were born. o On divorce, he taught that women introduced men to sex and polygamy was brought about. Women had to be punished.

A woman couldn't remarry under any circumstances. But a man could divorce whenever he wanted to and remarry a virgin. o He taught that denominationalism was the mark of the beast. The Protestants were the harlots, and that the Catholics were the Beast o Branham felt that there would come a day in his ministry where the "spoken Word" from his mouth would change physical bodies into glorified bodies for the Rapture. o He openly declared the Oneness Doctrine, stating that trinitarianism was of the devil. · A following was born out of this group of disciples. They are known as The Messengers, or the Branhamites, and are a worldwide movement.

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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