
October 20th , 2024


Deye Muel

2 years ago


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When it comes to marketing, small business owners confront a range of difficulties. Your budget is constrained, unlike that of big businesses. You don't have access to a sizable staff of specialists. Additionally, you must stay abreast of advancements in marketing and technology. I frequently receive inquiries about how to get around particular obstacles because I offer marketing services to a range of companies. Here are the issues that small business owners in today's market tend to encounter most frequently and urgently.

1. Choosing Your Focus

There are more avenues than ever for business promotion. There is content marketing, SEO, social media, PPC, and other online advertising, as well as mobile marketing, which is my favourite. Having options is excellent, but you also need to hone your strategy and choose what's best for you. I observe a lot of organizations switching between several strategies. They put time and money into it, yet they frequently don't receive the desired outcomes. This can sometimes be attributed to the fact that they didn't devote enough time to mastering one technique or persevere long enough to fully profit from it. In other instances, it was the incorrect strategy from the start.

Determine where to put your money. I always advise clients to start by considering where their target audience spends their time. For instance, there are numerous social media platforms today. Almost everyone uses Facebook. However, it makes sense to use visually-oriented websites like Pinterest and Instagram if you're selling to a market where photos are essential to making buying decisions (for example, furniture, real estate, anything in the hospitality business, or fashion). You should be active on LinkedIn if your clients are other companies. Traditional offline marketing is the same way. Find the periodicals, radio stations, and other media that your target demographic consumes. Don't just employ a marketing or promotion plan because it's popular. Make sure your customers can be reached effectively.

2. Make Your Brand Unique

An established business principle known as the unique selling proposition (USP) is more important than ever. It seems that many companies seek branding and marketing advice from their rivals, which is never a good idea. Give customers a compelling incentive to buy your goods or use your services. Your website, social media profiles, paid advertisements, and everything else with your logo or company name on it must all adhere to branding and distinction principles. What makes your brand so appealing in particular? Make sure you let everyone know that you are the world's best-tasting, cheapest, naturalest, most opulent, fastest, or hippest product in all of your marketing outreach.

Brand coherence is crucial. All of your platforms and channels, whether online or off, should have the same visual language, fonts, and general tone. You wouldn't want to have a serious and corporate-looking website and a whimsical approach on social media that uses amusing memes and jokes. Wherever you are found, make sure you present the same image.

3. Increasing Customer Retention

Even though attracting new consumers can be challenging, returning customers who are loyal to your brand are the key to expanding your business. There are numerous methods for doing this, including email marketing, loyalty programs, and coupons. The former is very useful for fostering relationships with clients. Due to the nature of my business, I usually suggest clients to use text or SMS messaging because it has a greater response rate than email. But both are useful for keeping in touch with people. Never ignore your customers. Always look for methods to show them you care, like by giving them exclusive discounts and offers.

4. Finance Your Marketing Activities

Finding the money to engage in marketing can be challenging for many small businesses. This presents a conundrum because marketing is necessary to draw attention to your business, yet spending money on marketing outreach is also necessary. If you don't have much money, start with free or inexpensive options. Setting up a Facebook page, other social media accounts, a blog, or an email list doesn't cost anything (aside from your time). Other low-cost content marketing techniques include webinars, podcasts, and video production. However, you might wish to spend money on paid marketing strategies like pay-per-click, mobile marketing, or print advertisements if you have the money.

5. Balance of Money and Time

The two main resources that everyone always tries to balance are time and money. If you're strapped for cash, like I said in the last section, you can start with inexpensive marketing techniques. However, they do take time. It takes time to make videos, update social media profiles, write blog pieces, and perform other tasks. Furthermore, a lot of business owners lack the knowledge necessary to put together a successful content marketing strategy. This problem does not have an easy fix. It all depends on striking the correct balance.

But one thing I often tell entrepreneurs is not to undervalue the value of their time. One thing is hiring a dedicated social media manager or content producer if you can afford to do so. Running a business and picking up all of these skills on your own is challenging. Find strategies to delegate important duties. Consider hiring an agency on a project-by-project basis, or look into virtual assistants and freelancers if you can't afford a full-time employee. The most crucial thing is to begin and continue consistently. As your company expands, you can increase your efforts.


There are usually difficulties involved with operating a business. Many of these are marketing-related. Expecting to ever come up with the ideal marketing plan is unrealistic. It's something you have to keep polished and working on. The aforementioned ideas should assist you in overcoming some of the marketing difficulties you might experience.

Meet the Author

Deye Muel

Psychologist and Blogger.

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