
June 2nd , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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[Sent from Insane v7]

In this way, at long last its time when I begin envisioning u like a four leaf clover..

Furthermore, this appeal is like a moon..which never blurs its sparkle however assists with seeing me in darks stages...

At times you r like a rising sun,which energizes and gives me energy to practice great regularly.

But,when its shady I can't ready to see u which discouraged me at some point however I can't lose trust since I knew,u will come back in the future and assists me with going through the entirety of my concerns...

These shady sky give me feels like u r not cheerful yet I'll put forth my all attempts to make u smile...and acknowledge u how accuracy your grin is!!!❤️

Recall NO TIME can't delete YOUR Murmur I can hear to me I've become what u can't embrace our memory will be my children's song ☺️

Perhaps I'm the most exceedingly terrible individual in this universe however I generally make an honest effort for you..😌

In next life,I need to be me,and meet you again💌

Might it be said that i was ready to live inside somebody's heart? Might it be said that i was ready to live inside your heart? Do you suppose you'll recall me to some degree? You would do well to not hit "reset!" Remember me, alright? That is a commitment, alright? I'm happy it's you, all things considered.

Will I contact you? I want to believe that I can contact you.

Misfiring Beams

Never guaranteed at this point longed for

A broad stream a legends

Interminable as it very well might be

Misleading with each and every bar

Indispensable inconsistent evaporating like a steam

A scaffold of riven ropes

Second thoughts to reclaim for which one expectations

Hostage of what's gone

Clasped to what could have been finished

Slithery never to be gotten

Loosen grasp of what we got

Momments engraved inside its stream

A few seeds are left to develop

Also, different branches fall column by line

What felt as a delicate breeze

Will wind up an obliterating storm with nobody to seize

Gobbled up in fixation to forsee

Compromised by the injuries we escape

Alive so purposeless to be

Recollections dissipated from a for conceded tree

Given to a race whose end goal is obscure

Till the thick line between mortality and timeless rest is drawn

Seconds duplicated to match a day

A domain of a Messing up Beam

Eratic euphoric enticing enclosure

Captivating entagled feelings chose the stage

Raddled from freezing walls

However excited for the 12 PM calls

Roof of sparkling star

Loosing everything may be so strange

Fire& Water interweaved as one

Astute are the people who stop to run

For living isn't living

On the off chance that you pass by rushing

Assuming that the momments are rarely felt

In reality as we know it where ice trails even soften

Assuming we inhale just to relax

Aren't we renaming life as a fantasy

Time is gold yet an artifact debris

A combat zone for the people who set in with rush

Never intended to be gotten

Just to inundate inside the minutes it brought

So let me know in the waterway of ephemera are you a swimmer

Or on the other hand in the war zone of regret and wish are you a sprinter



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Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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