
March 9th , 2025



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Why are you still single 

There are many reasons as to why people find them selves still single at an age where they are supposed to have someone besides them in bed late at night.

Some of these reasons can be attached to culture, religion and personal beliefs. 

But all in all, whether culture, religion or personal beliefs, is it good for man to be alone? To some it may be good and others not. But what we have to know is that always on side wins. 

That is the question that looks to be easy to answer but when you look deep into it, you realise that it is not how it looks.

Why are you still single?

Should we say that it's a personal belief or it's a cultural belief. Or we should say that its a religious belief. Maybe you are a Catholic priest.

Even if we are to go deep into the religious context, we see somewhere in the book of Genesis God creating Adam and then Eve. He did not create Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve or even Adam and a rat but Adam and Eve. And on top of that, before creating the woman since man was created first, he made a profound statement " it's not good for man to alone. "

That is the statement that has joined men and women from all tribes and generations together. 

Don't miss understand me, I have not said that its bad or a sin to live your life as a Catholic Priest. Even Jesus never committed him self to any woman.

But to most people it goes more than trying to live their lives as holy people like Jesus.  

That is why I want to tell you why you are still single. 

In this blog I'm going to share with you the two main reasons as to why you are still single and trust me, don't try toe deny it or else you ill not be helped.

 1. The first reason as to why you are still single is fear. 

Fear is a big problem today keeping people in darkness and from archiving there goals. Today we are not seeing progress in our lives because of this man. We are still were we are again because of him. My brother and sister reading this I want to tell you that if you don't overcome fear, it will overcome you. It will eat you till the day of your death. All the greatest people you see today are where they are because they overcame there fears.

You fear to be committed to one person. You have spent all your life fooling round with different girls now you fear to commit to one because you don't know how it will be.

You Fear to be rejected. If you fear rejection you fear progress. because we learn from our mistakes a principal no man can break. The more you fail, the more you become perfect and the more you become strong. Perfect people ars failures.

2. Pride is the second reason as to why you are still single. 

The real truth that we all shy a way from in this 21st century is this five letter word P.R.I.D.E.

We are so puffed up by what we have archived, who we are and where we are from. It was pride that led to the fall of Lucifa.  

But what is pride?

I can explain pride as sense of one's own worth, and scorn for what is beneath or unworthy of oneself; lofty self-respect; noble self-esteem; elevation of character; dignified bearing; rejection of shame. 

If you have started thinking in your mind that you are not proud, is the first way to know that you are proud. 

Proud people think they are perfect. 

Proud people don't apologise 

Proud people don't submit 

Proud people don't accept errors they have made

Proud people are not willing to learn new things 

Proud people can not be corrected 

Proud people don't listen to others

Proud people don't say SORRY 

Proud people are judgemental

Proud people are not humble. 

3. The third reason as to why you are still single is age. 

Age is an important topic when it comes to finding a lover that needs to be carefully assessed. 

You have to know that age doesn't determine someone's thinking and behaviour. I have seen so many grown ups that think like babes and bades that think like grown ups. 

Though it's said that age is just a number, it is not good for a man to marry a girl older than him since girls tend to grow faster than boys. 

But I have also seen so many boys dating mature girls. 

Why is it this way? 

The best way to tackle this concept of age is to study your self. Now we tend to grow up in different places that affect our attitude, temperaments and level of thinking. 

A person who grew up in a place that is modernised is likely to be exposed and handle him self in a particular way than the one who grew up in slums. 

No one can know you more than you know your self. It's up to you to be honest with your self and think carefully what is best for you. 

If you know yourself, you know what is best for you. 

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Happy Willz Mutyaba


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