
June 30th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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I wanted that my words connect

the perfect individual, shouting,

To what lengths I went for them

to be heard out.

However at that point I understood, that they

do contact the perfect individual,

Who might cherish them,

At the point when I could hear them

 to me out loud.

Cherished and loved,

lay the words, in my journal,

as much as to me,

As my own self was the as it were

safe spot to be loved at,

That my words could find!

Presently I realize that I'm heard,

Furthermore, will continuously be,

As the value of my words,

Is substantially more than

what anybody could see!


IT'S Okay

It's OK to be not okay,

Being too quiet is alright,

Enjoying some time off is OK,

What's more, show up for yourself,

It's alright at times to request help.

It's OK to in some cases feel lost,

It's alright assuming you're drained,

You're not of.

It's alright on the off chance that you're not fine

Also, feeling blue,

It's alright assuming you not any more like

doing things you generally do.

Furthermore, you're not to blame if

This continues to happen to you,

As it's simply a stage, it'll pass as well!


I want to consume all

my ignored letters,

Delete every one of the words I composed

in any case, left implied,

As individuals who would never

know me when I really wanted them to,

Try not to have the right to know me

at the point when I'm dead!

In any case, I trust that is not my

last thought when I bite the dust,


ll things considered, to recollect the beneficial things

that occurred and individuals I met,

To be content and thankful for a day to day existence,

What's more, convey no feelings of spite and disdain,

be that as it may, just joy and

love till the final gasp!

[I am sorry to each and every individual who

finds it offensive]

ll things considered, to recollect the beneficial things

that occurred and individuals I met,

To be content and thankful for a day to day existence,

What's more, convey no feelings of spite and disdain,

be that as it may, just joy and

love till the final gasp!

[I am sorry to each and every individual who

finds it offensive]

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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