
July 2nd , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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Lost in Words, [26/02/2022 13:40]

Not Sorry

At the point when the sun isn't upset for being splendid,

Moon isn't upset for it arrives behind schedule around evening time,

Downpour isn't upset for it falls,

Lightning isn't upset for frightening every one of us,

So for what reason do you should be upset for being veritable and being you,

For being the genuine adaptation of yourself and simply obvious?

Lost in Words, [03/03/2022 14:41]

Last Time

Spent a day, passed two,

However, it actually appears to be hard,

The words behaved like thistles to my heart.

I was unable to sort out how I veered off-track,

Or on the other hand was I off-base all along,

Were it my words or quietness

Or on the other hand the quietness of words that developed us separated.

I was attempting to let you go in any event, when I believed you should remain,

I needed to continue on yet I can't,

For you impacted me every way under the sun,

You left yet that multitude of recollections you gave me never may,

In any case, presently I'm excessively terrified of being impacted once more,

So perhaps it's the last time you hear me say!

Lost in Words, [09/03/2022 18:33]

Say thanks to You✨

Much obliged to you to each and every individual who has impacted me in a couple or multiple ways,

Much obliged to you for telling me that even those can influence you who don't remain.

Much obliged to you for allowing me to develop or change my way,

For causing me to understand that even those are steadfast who aren't together all along.

Much obliged to you for being a piece of my excursion of harmed and recuperate,

For making me know the two sides of me well, the phony and the genuine.

Much thanks to you for assisting me with shaping the considerations that whenever was mixed,

Furthermore, unwittingly turning into a piece of the words I jotted.

Much thanks to you for allowing me to find the side of myself that was concealed for such a long time,

Much thanks to you in light of the fact that the impact you had, whether fortunate or unfortunate,

It assisted me with developing further!

Much obliged to you, as due to you I'm somewhat unique or same regular,

Much thanks to you on the grounds that how I'm, in that even you have a say!

Lost in Words, [17/03/2022 15:00]

Leaving yet at the same time questioning to allow an opportunity,

Overlooking, however inside I'm kicking the bucket for only a look,

the Removing myself, actually pondering you constantly,

Persuading myself that you're no more,

Yet wanting to, for last time, consider you mine,

Continuing on, yet missing you such a lot of that you would never figure,

Ok, never knew that this all eventual such a wreck!

Lost in Words, [23/03/2022 06:06]

Still Miss You

I miss you,

In any case, presently much more I miss the days,

At the point when I didn't miss you,

When it is possible that you were mine,

Or on the other hand I didn't knew you and

you didn't knew me as well!

Since I've known you now,

I simply need you everytime,

At the point when my spirit knows

simply your name,

Furthermore, every one of your scar

is painted as mine.

It's simply you running in my psyche day in and day out,

What's more, featuring in my fantasies around evening time,

I want to travel once again into the past

Also, turn everything right!

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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