
May 18th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [17/04/2022 13:00]

In 1975, a man named Gary Dahl turned into an 'short-term' mogul by selling rocks he tracked down on an ocean side in Mexico to Americans as pets for $3.95 They were designated "Pet Rocks" @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [17/04/2022 18:00]

Besides the fact that tigers have striped fur, however they additionally have striped skin @googlefactss #animals #tigers

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [17/04/2022 18:09]

[Sent from Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎]]

At the point when a 18-year-old Woman Crazy learned at NYU, her schoolmates made a Facebook bunch called "Stefani Germanotta, you won't ever be popular" where they called her an 'drama queen.' In this way, she exited to seek after her music profession full time. @googlefactss #celebs

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [17/04/2022 22:59]

Yuo're albe to raed tihs @googlefactss ¿¿¿¿

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [18/04/2022 02:59]

During the Medieval times, a "venture" was explicitly the distance one could go in a day At that point, that was around twenty miles @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [18/04/2022 08:00]

Over the long run, beard growth can assist with easing back the maturing system by keeping water from leaving your skin, keeping it saturated @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [18/04/2022 13:00]

The expression 'IYKYK' possibly checks out assuming you really know @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [19/04/2022 02:59]

The U.S. military's "contraception glasses" which were an epithet for a lamentable looking sets of given glasses. The thick earthy colored casings and shape were incredibly disagreeable and compared to anti-conception medication in light of how ugly they looked. The edges were resigned in 2012. @googlefactss #funfact

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Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [19/04/2022 07:57]

"Disaster" is really an abbreviation. It was military shoptalk for "Circumstance Ordinary: All F*cked Up." @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [19/04/2022 13:00]

In Walk 2015, Ireland unintentionally legitimized happiness, ketamine, and sorcery mushrooms for one day. @googlefactss #countries #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [19/04/2022 20:46]

The Honey Badger is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the "World's Most Bold Animal." @googlefactss #funfact

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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