
July 2nd , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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LIFE TIPS, [18/04/2022 05:49]

We lose energy when...

🔅 Saying " yes " when we needed to say " no "

🔅 Agonizing over what others will think

🔅 Overburdening ourselves with activities for being 'occupied'

🔅 Rivaling others

🔅 Overlook body flags that request that we rest

🔅 Overthinking and stressing as opposed to asking straightforwardly


✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [18/04/2022 17:17]

At times you must quiet down, bite the bullet and acknowledge that you're off-base. It's not surrendering. It's hit growing up.

LIFE TIPS, [19/04/2022 17:44]

"It's something entertaining about existence, when you start to observe the things you are appreciative for, you start to neglect to focus on the things that you need."

~ Germany Kent


✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [20/04/2022 06:01]

Continuously Recall THIS!

- Grapes should be squashed to make wine.

- Precious stones structure under tension.

- Olives are squeezed to deliver oil.

- Seeds fill in haziness.

💫 Whenever you feel squashed, under tension, squeezed, or in murkiness, you're in a strong spot of change.

    TRUST THE Interaction!

LIFE TIPS, [20/04/2022 10:42]

Try not to contrast yourself with others. Resemble the sun and the moon and sparkle when it's your time.

LIFE TIPS, [20/04/2022 13:11]

You can quiet individuals, in actuality, as well

its called Limits.

LIFE TIPS, [20/04/2022 16:54]

In the event that you don't forfeit for what you need

What you need become the penances.

LIFE TIPS, [20/04/2022 19:39]

[ Photograph ]

Face Challenges.

In the event that you win, you will be blissful.

Assuming you lose, you will be shrewd.

LIFE TIPS, [21/04/2022 04:39]

Try not to let anybody know what you're doing until it's finished. Outside energy can lose objectives.

LIFE TIPS, [21/04/2022 14:37]

10 keys to inspiration:

1. Relinquish dread

2. Put forth the right objectives

3. Get clearness on what you need

4. Be consistent with your qualities

5. Simply decide

6. Challenge yourself

7. Relinquish the past

8. Construct an Organization of help

9. Enjoy reprieves

10. Envision your ultimate objective


✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [21/04/2022 17:04]

Whenever you've acknowledged your defects, nobody can at any point utilize them against you.

LIFE TIPS, [21/04/2022 20:04]

8 Suggestions to live by

1. Difficulty is your significance instructor.

2. You are more grounded than you suspect.

3. Make your wellbeing a full time responsibility

4. Lead with adoration - You have a strong heart

5. Grasp your cash and expert it.

6. Live with appreciation and point of view.

7. Pick your connections admirably.

8. Gain from your slip-ups.


✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [22/04/2022 08:05]

#Step by step instructions to Be Caring

Be thoughtful yet defined limits so your generosity isn't confused with superbness.

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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