
June 16th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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she expressed it's through a close buddy, we visited talking and my ex who is hitched still needs me, we likewise booked to meet at a specific spot yet assuming we meet....I will require up having intercourse with since she generally let me know she needs to have me in her and she even consider me when she is scrubbing down on VC.....I would rather not have intercourse with her since she is a hitched woman and I don't have the foggiest idea how to tell her we can't meet since I generally earthy colored her on a vacation day meeting........we are to meet tomorrow and assuming we meet, we will wind up engaging in sexual relations and I don't need that since she is married......

how would I continue to visit with her without meeting please

🎃JODEL STORIES🎃, [01/05/2022 20:50]

[ Photograph ]

How would I gather my phone?😂😂😂 @Jodelandstoryhub🎃

🎃JODEL STORIES🎃, [01/05/2022 21:51]

hi Jodel if it's not too much trouble, keep me mysterious

I'm 26years old fellow and I have been in 4 unique connections

I'm consistently unfortunate in connections 🥺 so one day I messaged every one of my exes and asked them what turned out badly and they generally guaranteed I'm an extremely desirous sort and likes pestering 🥺🥺

so my kindred folks here I need to inquire as to whether it's inappropriate to be desirous when you are seeing someone

🎃JODEL STORIES🎃, [01/05/2022 22:32]

Pls mercifully post gimme

I'm a 32 every Year old person working at one of the GCB branches in Accra...i get a month to month compensation of 5200 per month ...the issue is my fiancee is taking steps to drop our wedding since she figures I lack the capacity to deal with her.. folks I'm one of the head engineers at the bank and I'm accountable for the ATMs at the I work Monday to Friday,,, morning to night.. also, at times even on ends of the week.. at the point when u go to show up on Saturday or Sunday you get 250 as stipend so on the off chance that I work on Saturdays and Sundays I get 500 on I don't frequently miss ends of the week office cus I attempt to set aside more cash cus I have a great deal of plans.. because of this reason my fiancee says

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Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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