2 years ago
????? ??? ? ??, [31/10/2022 01:20]
Howdy great day everybody
I simply need to attempt this jodel thing and see
I have this person that I love ? yet every time that we contend or something he will begin offending me and stuffs? and afterward he will come and say he didn't mean it since he was furious he's a combative individual so when he apologize I pardon him and afterward we continue on yet folks this isn't the first, second nor third time that he has been doing these things ?? at whatever point we quarrel over something and I say we ought to separate he will come and resemble you weren't my sort, u ain't any unique in relation to the rest I thought you'd be unique however you all young ladies are the same? when he follows through with something and I need to gripe about it he will be like "don't ????? ??? ? ??, [31/10/2022 01:20]
Howdy great day everybody
I simply need to attempt this jodel thing and see
I have this person that I love ? yet every time that we contend or something he will begin offending me and stuffs? and afterward he will come and say he didn't mean it since he was furious he's a combative individual so when he apologize I pardon him and afterward we continue on yet folks this isn't the first, second nor third time that he has been doing these things ?? at whatever point we quarrel over something and I say we ought to separate he will come and resemble you weren't my sort, u ain't any unique in relation to the rest I thought you'd be unique however you all young ladies are the same? when he follows through with something and I need to gripe about it he will be like "don't ????? ??? ? ??, [31/10/2022 01:20]
Howdy great day everybody
I simply need to attempt this jodel thing and see
I have this person that I love ? yet every time that we contend or something he will begin offending me and stuffs? and afterward he will come and say he didn't mean it since he was furious he's a combative individual so when he apologize I pardon him and afterward we continue on yet folks this isn't the first, second nor third time that he has been doing these things ?? at whatever point we quarrel over something and I say we ought to separate he will come and resemble you weren't my sort, u ain't any unique in relation to the rest I thought you'd be unique however you all young ladies are the same? when he follows through with something and I need to gripe about it he will be like "don't
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