
May 20th , 2024


Ben Degbe

A year ago


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What the Rich Teach Their Children About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! Rich Dad Poor Dad: 20th Anniversary Edition: What the Rich Teach Their Children About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

The best-selling personal finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and distributed worldwide.
Affluent Dad Poor Dad is Robert's account of growing up with two fathers - his biological father and his best friend's rich father - and how both men impacted his views on money and investment. The book debunks the notion that you need a big salary to be wealthy, and it discusses the distinction between working for money and letting your money work for you.

 20 Years... 20/20 Vision
In this 20th anniversary episode, Robert provides an update on what we've witnessed over the last 20 years in terms of money, investment, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will help readers "fast forward" - from 1997 to present - as Robert evaluates how his affluent father's ideals have weathered the test of time.

The messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad, which were attacked and disputed two decades ago, are more significant, relevant, and vital today than they were then.
As usual, listeners can anticipate Robert to be open, analytical, and to continue to rock a few boats in his retrospective.
Are there going to be any surprises? You can count on it.

As you may know, I am a major fan of the Rich Dad series. It was recommended by a TikTok user as a must-read if you are just beginning your financial education journey. I've since read five more books in his series, taking notes from each one in order to create my own financial game plan. I am now debt-free, have control over my financial statements, have an emergency fund, and am searching for my first investment.A word of caution. These books teach mentality, theory, and next actions, rather than providing clear solutions. Your financial education is entirely up to you. I got a lot out of this, so much so that I bought many copies and gave them away as gifts.

Meet the Author

Ben Degbe

Content writer

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