
September 21st , 2024


Amos Aboagye

A year ago


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A year ago

Ghana has committed to increasing its share of renewable energy, according to Akufo-Addo.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has guaranteed the worldwide local area of Ghana's full obligation to expanding the nation's portion of sustainable power in the energy blend.

Talking at a Significant Level Occasion on Supportable Energy for All, coordinated by Bloomberg Philanthropies, uninvolved of COP27 in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt, that's what the Ghanaian pioneer expressed "we will keep on expanding the portion of sustainable power in our power age blend, as well as investigate the choices of hydrogen gas and other clean energy sources to meet our energy needs"

As per President Akufo-Addo, "Energy progress has turned into a worldwide obligation regarding all of us, particularly considering the effect of environmental change, and the worldwide energy emergency delivered by the Russian intrusion of Ukraine."

With Ghana being a signatory to the Paris Understanding and other global shows, which require the country to lessen her carbon dioxide outflow levels, he demonstrated that it has become basic for Ghana to foster plans and methodologies toward the making of a net-zero energy area, while forcefully chasing after the country's monetary turn of events.

"Our refreshed broadly resolved commitments, under the Paris Understanding, insist the nation's purpose to address the effects of environmental change and construct a strong economy for our kin", he focused.

President Akufo-Addo proceeded, "Ghana's situation on energy progress is to proceed with the dependable abuse of our regular assets for our turn of events and change at our own speed. The public authority of Ghana is aware of the activities of the created nations according to the energy progress, and their impact on us."

To this end, he let the social affair know that it has, accordingly, become vital for the public authority of Ghana to foster an Energy Change Structure that will direct the country, as the whole world moves towards acknowledging net zero

The president likewise said that the public authority of Ghana, being aware of the ramifications of such a structure and its execution on the whole economy, guided the Board to embrace broad partner meetings, notwithstanding master input, to create the Public Energy Progress System to direct its change to a net-no economy by 2070 in a fair and impartial way, as well as limit conceivable abandoned resources and employment misfortunes in the oil and gas area.

The absolute expense of the progress is assessed at 500 and 61 billion bucks (US$561.8 billion), the President added.

Energy Change

President Akufo-Addo likewise tended to the Significant Level Gathering on "Just Energy Change", where he showed that Ghana has fostered a Public Energy Progress Structure to give the vision and direction to Ghana's energy progress.

In setting up this structure, the President expressed that all current strategies were thought of and the projects that are being carried out towards accomplishing Ghana's Broadly Resolved Commitments.

"Wide partner counsels were held to guarantee that the energy progress issues in different pieces of the nation were caught and tended to in the system. These included coordinated and non-coordinated work, market ladies, the scholarly world, Services, Offices and Organizations (MDAS), Metropolitan, Civil and Region Gatherings (MMDAs), Improvement Accomplices (DPs) and the global local area," he said.

He made sense of that the Structure gives the ideal and manageable pathway for fuel supply security, enhanced energy blend and cost-proficient power age, with an expected age levy of under US$4.5 pennies each kilowatt hour to speed up the financial improvement of Ghana.

"Ghana plans to accomplish general access by 2024. The Energy Progress System will satisfy the future power need of 380 Terawatt-hours, with a comparing introduced limit of 83 Giga-Watts. Ghana's expanded energy blend will incorporate 21 Gigawatts of environmentally friendly power introduced limit, which will give the chance to partake in a more prominent offer in the environmentally friendly power carbon credit market," he added.

The president proceeded: "The change will relieve 200 million tons of carbon dioxide of Green House Gas emanations, limiting energy-related indoor air contamination and related sicknesses. It is assessed that 48 thousand, 200 and eighteen (48,218) unexpected losses will be kept away from every year because of the improvement in air quality, coming about because of the effect of the change."

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Amos Aboagye


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