
June 18th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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What's more, presently, the main thing holding us is a distant memory

Will we float in our ways? Try not to let me know that we will be...

Better now, all alone

Better now, all alone


Authors world, [27/10/2022 19:12]

Authors world, [28/10/2022 20:01]

It was all arbitrary...unplanned. A wiped out arrangement of stars that were determined on driving me to you.

Might I at some point have halted it?

Might I at any point have fended off lifes muddled certainties?

I'm uncertain, yet instinct let me know that I might have shut a limitless measure of entryways but you would have still found a way into my life and so...I don't die to such inquiries any longer.

I have endeavored, pointlessly, to fail to remember the flavor of your voice, the glow of your aroma, the reality of your reality; all so I could before long acknowledge there was no reality where we would have been anything short of we are currently. Furthermore, it is in the sadness of attempting to get away from you that I wind up with an exhausted grin.



Scholars world, [28/10/2022 21:07]

A drained body, a fretful heart and an insensible psyche. As I plunk down to compose on the clear paper, It is ameliorating. It offers me the space to discuss what I need without the apprehension about judgment. I need to tell it all that goes inside me however somewhere close to what my heart needs to say and the clear paper lies a gorge that can't and will not be filled by words. What other cure is passed on to me then?



Scholars world, [28/10/2022 21:07]

A drained body, a fretful heart and an insensible psyche. As I plunk down to compose on the clear paper, It is ameliorating. It offers me the space to discuss what I need without the apprehension about judgment. I need to tell it all that goes inside me however somewhere close to what my heart needs to say and the clear paper lies a gorge that can't and will not be filled by words. What other cure is passed on to me then?

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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