
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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Writers world, [10/11/2022 17:36]

If any of u guys are from addis, just get up and go outside the moon is fucking beautiful😍😍 idk what's wrong with it but there is moon 2.0 on the sky and u better enjoy it while u can

እንቅልፋም ሁላ

Writers world, [10/11/2022 17:41]

Seriously guys 

The beauty is something i shouldn't be talking about cause i might ruin it 

But it looks so delicious😋 i can taste it from here😂

Writers world, [11/11/2022 18:45]

Sometimes I wish I had a side door to sneak out of my daily routine and explore a world that isn't mine. Not from boredom with the present, but from curiosity about the other. Maybe it was because the days they gave me a surprise appointment were sweet? Real moments of happiness are not the ones I planned, but they seem to me to be the blessings waiting for me. Is it because the blessing is greater that the fruitfulness of the days is greater? I may slip, fall and forget the present, but I need another door to take me back to where I was.



Writers world, [14/11/2022 14:05]

Writers world, [17/11/2022 18:48]

Life has somehow began to feel like an old lover I never fell out of love with; a lover that is happy elsewhere thus has left me bitter with longing. I mock it, curse it and silently cry at night hoping the tears would leave my eyes along with the misery. In a perpetual state of questioning my existence. I am blinking the years away and yet...I don't feel a day over yesterday.


@fortheeccentricWriters world, [10/11/2022 17:36]

If any of u guys are from addis, just get up and go outside the moon is fucking beautiful😍😍 idk what's wrong with it but there is moon 2.0 on the sky and u better enjoy it while u can

እንቅልፋም ሁላ

Writers world, [10/11/2022 17:41]

Seriously guys 

The beauty is something i shouldn't be talking about cause i might ruin it 

But it looks so delicious😋 i can taste it from here😂

Writers world, [11/11/2022 18:45]

Sometimes I wish I had a side door to sneak out of my daily routine and explore a world that isn't mine. Not from boredom with the present, but from curiosity about the other. Maybe it was because the days they gave me a surprise appointment were sweet? Real moments of happiness are not the ones I planned, but they seem to me to be the blessings waiting for me. Is it because the blessing is greater that the fruitfulness of the days is greater? I may slip, fall and forget the present, but I need another door to take me back to where I was.



Writers world, [14/11/2022 14:05]

Writers world, [17/11/2022 18:48]

Life has somehow began to feel like an old lover I never fell out of love with; a lover that is happy elsewhere thus has left me bitter with longing. I mock it, curse it and silently cry at night hoping the tears would leave my eyes along with the misery. In a perpetual state of questioning my existence. I am blinking the years away and yet...I don't feel a day over yesterday.



Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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