
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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A year ago

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 07:12]

The wave-molded mass of toothpaste sitting on a toothbrush before you clean your teeth is known as a nurdle. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 07:38]

Look at this ( and other brush with death recordings on @atthejawsofdeath

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 11:21]

A train making a trip from west to east is lighter than one going from east to west because of the Eötvös impact ( @googlefactss #funfact #science #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 13:50]

Doppelganger is really a German word signifying "twofold walker" or "twofold participant" alluding to a paranormal twofold of a living individual. A doppelganger isn't somebody who simply looks like you, yet is a definite twofold, directly down to the manner in which you walk, act, talk, and dress. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 14:34]

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [10/11/2022 14:38]

Look at an article on acts of mass violence here ( Join @crimestoryy 🕵️ for valid and energizing wrongdoing stories and more.....

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [11/11/2022 00:37]

The US attempted to buy Greenland for $100 million out of 1946. @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [11/11/2022 12:58]

Treadmills were made to rebuff English detainees in 1818. They were presented in 1818 by the English specialist Sir William Cubitt (1785-1861) for of conveniently utilizing convicts. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [11/11/2022 14:04]

China has 350 million smokers, — meaning the Chinese smoking populace is higher than the whole populace of the US. China is the biggest buyer and maker of tobacco on the planet. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [11/11/2022 16:08]

The inclination we get when we see something so cuddly that we need to crush it really has a name. It's classified "adorable animosity" or "lively hostility". @googlefactss #funfact #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [11/11/2022 19:10]

On the off chance that a man pees on a pregnancy test and it comes up sure, he might have testicular malignant growth. @googlefactss #health

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [12/11/2022 07:33]

Human spit is multiple times more impressive than morphine because of the aggravation hindering compound opiorphin. Opiorphin is one of only a handful of exceptional normally created intensifies in the human body that broadens the body's self-protection system against torment. @googlefactss #biology #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [12/11/2022 12:00]

In 2009, Nigerian police captured a goat on doubt of endeavored furnished theft. Vigilantes took the high contrast goat to the police saying it was a furnished looter who had utilized dark sorcery to change himself into a goat to get away from capture in the wake of attempting to take a Mazda 323. @googlefactss #africa #truestories

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Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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