
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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Did you be aware? (🎓 (

Did you know?, [01/10/2022 11:29]

Snails have great many minuscule teeth.

Snails seem to be generally straightforward creatures with outstanding elements including shells and sludge. Yet, some snail species have a surprising trait: They have a lace like tongue and a jaw — called a radula — with large number of minuscule teeth that permit the eager critters to tear their food into reasonable pieces, as indicated by the Normal History Exhibition hall of Los Angeles.

Did you be aware? (🎓 (

Did you know?, [01/10/2022 16:44]

Red downpour once fell in India.

Back on July 25, 2001, "dark red downpour fell over the Kerala region of western India," as indicated by The Gatekeeper. The bizarre drops even "turned nearby individuals' garments pink." Yellow, green, and dark downpour likewise fell in different regions nearby, as per The Hindu. It's accepted that the water turned different varieties because of the way that the breeze had cleared up correspondingly shaded sand before it caught the downpour.

Did you be aware? (🎓 (

Did you know?, [02/10/2022 07:29]

Ladybugs eat their own.

It's hard not to grin when you spot a ladybug⁠ — however they may not appear to be so charming once you figure out they're barbarians. A grown-up ladybug ordinarily eats around 50 aphids (sap-sucking bugs that grounds-keepers disdain) each day, yet when there's insufficient food around, they'll gobble up ladybug hatchlings and, surprisingly, other youthful ladybugs, which both have shells that are delicate enough for a grown-up ladybug to bite, as indicated by the BBC.

Did you be aware? (🎓 (

Did you know?, [02/10/2022 11:29]

The littlest bat on the planet weighs under a dime.

Honey bee bats, which are otherwise called Kitti's hognose bats, are "the littlest bats on the planet, perhaps the littlest vertebrate," Ransack Meis, head of the Association for Bat Protection, told Public Geographic. He made sense of that the small flyer doesn't weigh two grams, which is not exactly the heaviness of a dime.

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Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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