
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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A year ago

Liquor weakens your capacity to perceive facial unevenness, one reason why individuals appear to be more alluring when you're plastered. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [20/11/2022 19:57]

In 2013, Hurray purchased Tumblr for $1.1 billion

After six years, they sold it for $3 million, under 0.4 percent of what they paid for it

@googlefactss #apps

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [12/11/2022 07:33]

Human spit is multiple times more remarkable than morphine on account of the aggravation restraining compound opiorphin. Opiorphin is one of only a handful of exceptional normally delivered intensifies in the human body that expands the body's self-protection system against torment. @googlefactss #biology #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [12/11/2022 12:00]

In 2009, Nigerian police captured a goat on doubt of endeavored equipped burglary. Vigilantes took the high contrast goat to the police saying it was a furnished burglar who had utilized dark wizardry to change himself into a goat to get away from capture subsequent to attempting to take a Mazda 323. @googlefactss #africa #truestories

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [12/11/2022 14:28]

The longest walk at any point occurred was by George Meegan. He strolled from the lower part of South America to the highest point of North America. He made 41 million strides, broken down 12.5 sets of shoes, and gathered 8 world records. @googlefactss #funfact

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [13/11/2022 07:23]

Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid $15 million for his part in 'Eliminator 2', which arrived at the midpoint of out to $21,429 per word. @googlefactss #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [13/11/2022 09:30]

Clinomania is the unnecessary craving to lay in bed day in and day out. It come from the Greek words clino which means bed and madness which implies enslavement, that in a real sense makes an interpretation of to "dependence on bed". Different names for Clinomania are dysania and clinophilia. @googlefactss #words #nowyouknow

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎], [13/11/2022 09:30]

Clinomania is the unnecessary craving to lay in bed day in and day out. It come from the Greek words clino which means bed and madness which implies enslavement, that in a real sense makes an interpretation of to "dependence on bed". Different names for Clinomania are dysania and clinophilia. @googlefactss #words #nowyouknow

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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