
May 19th , 2024


Kelvin Dechi

A year ago


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A year ago

Yet, their words can't take the power from you

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [18/09/2022 20:31]

They attempted to cover you, they didn't realize you were a seed.🔥

LIFE TIPS, [19/09/2022 07:52]

Signs you're accomplishing something useful:

- You are glad to act naturally

- You're tolerating of progress

- You deal with yourself

- You are up for difficult work

- You're available to learning

- You can reflect

- You are thankful

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [19/09/2022 10:01]

You have the opportunity to fall flat.

✨ @the_life_tips

LIFE TIPS, [19/09/2022 12:14]

"Might you at any point envision what I could do in the event that I could give my best?"

~ Sun Tzu

LIFE TIPS, [19/09/2022 14:01]

Once in a while your heart needs additional opportunity to acknowledge what your psyche definitely knows.


LIFE TIPS, [20/09/2022 04:00]

• You should be clear leaning

• You should be enthusiastic

• You should be tireless

• You should act naturally

• You should show restraint

• You should be ready

• You should give

Do these...success will follow

LIFE TIPS, [20/09/2022 08:51]

On the off chance that you show restraint in one snapshot of outrage, you will get away from 100 days of distress.

~ Chinese Adage

LIFE TIPS, [20/09/2022 12:12]

"A cynic sees the trouble in each open door, a confident person sees the open door in each trouble."

~ Sir Winston Churchill

LIFE TIPS, [20/09/2022 17:59]

You are more grounded than you naturally suspect.

LIFE TIPS, [21/09/2022 04:39]

We lock our rooms. We lock our workplaces. We lock our vehicles. Be that as it may, a few of us leave the entryway of our brains open to all kind of junk to get in! We permit our psyches to be loaded up with negative words; the words we hear, the words we read, and the words we address ourselves! They are poisonous. Now is the right time to detoxify your brain. Stand watch at the entryway of your brain all day, every day. Pick what gets in and what stays out. Recollect that your psyche is an idea production line. It produces base on the unrefined 

• Seek after steadily

Meet the Author

Kelvin Dechi

Content writer

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